Nathan Normous

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Jack was heartbroken about Mitch's death, so to cope with that he went to karaoke where he sang his favorite song.
"CrAwLiNg iN mY sKiNnN~" He ordered a steak at his karaoke place, it was the only thing other than prunes and eggs on the menu. Then he went pee before he left. After he had a good old time singing he started to walk home. Then he heard a howling, he looked to his right and there he saw. . . a midget howling at the moon.  And then he realized that the midget was in a furry costume. He must be a furry, Jack thought. This midget was so short, they were 7 feet shorter than Jack. Jack is 5'3. As Jack was thinking this,the midget-furry crawled over to him and started to smell his balls. Jack jumped back from the midget-furry. It started to growl at him.
Then he said, "You're my mate now baby girl." Jack was so heartbroken and despair-filled that all his other boyfriends died that he accepted, "Ok, I'll be your mate. What's your name?"
"My name's Nathan Normous," the midget-furry said. "I'm Jack, Jack Hoffmen." The furry-midget then scampered away on all fours with Jack following, also on all fours, embracing his furry side. The furry-midget then tried to climb up a tree, but when it was climbing, it fell right on top of Jack. It hurt its leg really badly, since he and Jack were mates now, he had to nurse the midget-furry back to health. But that's when Jack looked up and saw that it wasn't just any tree, but it was a FURRY TREE! With not one, not three, but FIVE FURRIES IN IT! And when he looked closely, he could tell that they were the midget-furries PACK! One was a woman in a catsuit, another was a child, no, He wasn't a child, HE WAS ALSO A MIDGET! This one was a ginger in a catsuit as well, but it looked gayer. He looks like a bottom Jack thought. There was another man, this one was in a bunny suit, Jack could tell just by looking at him that he was a child molefester. Then there was another man, this one was tall, and really buff, just like Bailey he thought. And the last furry looked a little familiar, a little too familiar, IT WAS DAVID! But, why is David in a furry tree!? Jack thought as he started to cry. Why, he thought, why did David become a furry?  That's when all the furries climbed down and started to lick parts of his face.
"David, what happened to you!?" Jack yelled as Furris licked his face. "What do you mean?" David said, sounding really emo. Wait, why does David sound so emo? I thought his emo was cured! Jack thought.
"Who are you anyway?" David asked
"What? H-how did you forget about me? We have a child together!" Jack yelled out "I think I would remember having a kid with you, and my only child is right here." he said pointing to the child midget
"Quack!" the child exclaimed.
"Why can't you remember me? THIS IS SO NOT POGGERS!" Jack yelled in agony as David got shot out of the tree.
"Oh sorry, I thought that guy was an oversized squirrel." A woman yelled out as she walked away.

-at Jack's house-

Jack only had one bed in his house and no sleeping bags and no couch and no dog beds either, so he and the midget-furry had to share the bed. Jack was against it at first but then the  midget-furry licked his eyebrow, which convinced him. Then, there was a loud noise from the front door, so they went to check it out. There was a woman standing in their doorway. "Mommy, why are you here?" The midget-furry said. The midget-furry's mom responded with,"I'M HERE TO GET YOU, I KNOW YOU'RE GAY, YOU THINK I'LL JUST LET YOU STAY AT SOME BOYS HOUSE?" The midget-furry whimpered like a dog as she yelled. The mom, who's name seems to be Dixie, it was written on her name tag. Dragged the midget-furry out of Jack's house.

The next day Jack went back to the park to feed the snails, and there he saw his mate, Nathan Normous. Nathan crawled over to Jack on all-fours and barked at him. Jack started to meow back.
"Here, look my little boo-boo bear," Jack said as he pulled out a pair of cat-ears. The midget-furry looked overjoyed. Then the midget-furry pulled down his pants and took a pee on Jack. Right on his brand new Nike Air Forces too. Jack asked,"What are you doing?"
"I'm marking my territory," The midget-furry responded. Then Jack bent over, took off his shoe and started to lick up the pee. The midget-furry pulled his pants back up and started to bark at Jack. Then out of nowhere, the midget-furry's mom appeared "HOW DARE YOU SEDUCE MY SON!"
She yelled as she tried to stab Jack. But the midget-furry got in the way, getting stabbed.
"NOOOO MY BABY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" The midget-furry's mom yelled.
"Because I love him mom." The midget-furry said as Jack stood there in disbelief.
"My baby boo-boo bear, thank you so much for saving me," he spat out as Dixie called 911.

"WE GOT A CALL! WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY!" A guy in a paramedic outfit yelled as he ran over Nathan with his ambulance.
"Y-You just landed on it..." Jack muttered.
"OH! Is this a furry? Gross. Well he doesn't deserve help!" the paramedic said as he started to leave.
"WAIT! I'LL GIVE YOU SIXTY NINE DOLLARS TO SAVE HIM!" Dixie yelled in desperation.
"DON'T WORRY MY LOVE! WE'LL SAVE YOU!" Jack yelled caringly as Nathan was being loaded into the ambulance.

~At The Hospital~

"He's going to need surgery, it'll cost 1 Million Robux." The doctor said, in american, as Jack and Dixie cried, in poor.
"B-But I'm broke!" Dixie yelled in anguish.
"ME TOO!" Jack lied.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to put the plug!" the doctor exclaimed with excitement.
"W-Wait, we can start a go fund me!" Dixie pleaded.
"OK, but if you don't make up the money in a week, the furry dies."
"O-OK!" she said
"WAIT!" Jack exclaimed, looking at his phone.
"All the furries of the world donated a bunch of money to the f-erm- N-Nathan's go fund me! We're super f*cking rich now!"
"Oh that, yeah, sure, I guess." Jack muttered
"Right away!" the doctor said snatching all the money.

~After The Surgery~

"The doctor took all the money from the go me..." Jack muttered
"But at least my baby's safe again." Dixie said happy to see her baby healthy.
"Yeah sure I guess that's good.."
"Neighhhh... J-Jacky poo?" The midget moaned as he woke up.
"MY LITTLE GOGOGAGA POOSY POO POO BEAR!" Jack yelled in surprisingness.
"MY BABY!" Dixie yelled as she smacked Jack out of the way to hug Nathan.
"M-mommy, let me hug my mate..." the midget moanned.
"N-Nathan... meow~" Jack meowed seductively.
" woff woff~" Nathan backed as they started to make out as Dixie had a WTF look on her face.

~after they made out~

Since the midget-furry had saved Jack's life they went to the karaoke place where they first met.
"TOniGHt wILl bE The NIghT ThaT I wiLL faLL foR You~" Jack sang to Nathan with love in his eyes.
Then the midget-furry sang the werewolf song from Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 but didn't say any words, he just made bird noises the whole time.
"That was beautiful my little Chick-fil-A sunday!" Jack said when all of a sudden *knock* *knock* There was a knock on the door to the karaoke room.
"Don't worry my smoopsy woopy poopsy bear, I'll get it, '' Nathan said as he opened the door, only to see a woman standing outside. Jack recognized this woman, it was God.
"Geeeerrrrrrr" Nathan growaled,
"B*TCH!" God yelled as she slapped Nathan into the next dimension.
"OH YOU B******TCH!" Jack exasperated as god flipped him off and flew away.

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