Westley Gaylord & Chris Assman

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Jack was at the grocery store getting some leeks when he saw a muscular man who was dressed in a magical gworl costume, which he found to be kind of attractive. Hmmmmm. . . Cross-dressing is a great idea, maybe I should try it. Jack thought as he started to walk over to the womens clothing section. But when he rounded the corner he bumped into the muscular man dressed as a magical gworl.
"HEY! B-baby girl you have to look where you're going! You silly baka!" The gayly dressed man exclaimed. He's a tsundere.  Jack thought deadpanned. Jack looked down and noticed that the magical gworl man had dropped his groceries when Jack bumped into him. He reached down to help him pick them up like the kind citizen he is. But the man did the same and they both reached for the groceries at the same time brushing hands.
"YOU BAKA!" The man yelled as he jumped back. "HOW COULD YOU JUST TOUCH MY HAND LIKE THAT SO CASUALLY?!" The magical gworl man yelled blushing profusely.
"Ugh, but since you're clearly interested, I guess I'll tell you my name. I'm Cris Assman, the magical gworl of friendship!" He said doing a peace sign and a wink. "I'm part of a group of 3 magical girls and we were sent here to defeat the forces of heterosexuality~!" Cris announced. "All we need is one more member and we'll be able to crush hererosexualty completely!" Wait, this is it, Jack thought it's a chance to cross dress AND a chance to hang around one, two, no, maybe even THREE hot guys!
"And we're looking for another man willing to cross-dress in order to fill the 4th and final role in our group!" A chance to join, this is perfect! Jack thought as he rubbed his hands together.
"Do you think I could be a magical gworl? Look at me, I've dated tons of men, don't you think I'm the perfect fit?" Jack said with his eyes sparkling. "Sure, I mean, I guess you can be our 4th member, B-But it's not like I want you to or anything so don't go getting the wrong idea you fricking baka!!" Cris yelled as he b*tch slapped Jack.
"Yay! I get to be a magical gworl!" Jack said as he skipped along following Cris.
-At The Magical Gworl Headquarters-

"Hey hey! Welcome to the magical gworl headquarters baby girl~!" A rather short man said enthusiastically as Jack entered the room.
"Hey  ev-" Jack paused then he saw... WESTLEY GAYLORD!
"JACK HOFFMAN WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Westley yelled in shock with a look of surprise.
"Westley? I could say the same to you, I e-sekaied myself! This is supposed to be a different world!" Jack said, really confused.
"Well after you shot yourself, God killed me for dating you. And then I guess I got e-sekaied too. Then Cris recruited me to the magical gworls!" Westly explained.
"Well I guess that makes sense, I just wanna be a magical gworl and cross-dress now, though!" Jack Hoffman said.
"Wait wait wait, how could you not tell me that your ex was here! You're such a baka!" Cris said angrily as he ran up to Westley.
"I'm sorry Cris, I didn't know that we got e-sekaied into the same world!" Westly was trembling because who knows what Cris would do to him. Then a super plain magical gworl man appeared and pushed Cris back into Jack Hoffman.
"Cris, leave Westley alone. It's not his fault that Jack got e-sekaied here!" The plain magical gworl said."Nice to meet you Baby girl. I'm Sebastian susey, The magical gworl of Peace!" He did a pose kind of like what Cris did when Jack first met him but not as beautiful as Cris's.
"Nice to meet you Sebastian, I'm Jack Hoffman, a new magical gworl!" Jack introduced himself despite the fact that Sebastian already knew who he was.
"Well anyways," Westley wrapped his arm around Jack's.
"We'll give you a tour of our headquarters!" He said at the same time as Cris, who wasn't angry anymore.
"O-Ok," Jack was excited to have found some new love-interests. 
Cris and Westley gave Jack a tour around the magical gworl headquarters with Sebastian walking 34 feet behind them because he said they were a little to gay and didn't want to be too close to them.
When they were walking, Cris had a very important question to ask Jack. "J-Jack, could you do your magical gworl pose? I-I'm just curious, it's not like I want to see you do a cute pose or anything so don't start thinking something weird you baka!" Cris was turning his head the other way so Jack couldn't tell if he was blushing or not, but it was obvious he was.
"I'm not quite sure what my pose is yet. What's a pose that just screams 'I'm gay'?" Jack asked the magical gworls. Westley spread his legs open and said,"You should pose like this, Jack!"
"No! You should listen to my suggestion!" Cris exclaimed as he laid down on his stomach and did that pose that kinda looks like a boat. "You should pose like this!" Sebastian just sat and watched them with a look of judgment.
"I think i'll just pose like this..."  Jack said as he did his pose.
  "Ok, but you have to yell your magical gworl title as you pose." Cris pointed out.
"But I don't have a title yet, what do I yell?" Jack questined.
"J-just yell whatever you want your title to be, b-baka!" Cris replied. "Ok, how about... MAGICAL GWORL OF GAY!" Jack yelled.
"Yeah, that's a great tidal!" Westly yelled enthusiastically. "What about you guys? What're your poses?" He questioned. "Ok I'll show you mine first!" "MAGICAL GWORL OF LUST!" "O-ok I'll show you mine next! But It's not because I like you or anything though so don't Start having any fantasy's you sussy baka!" "MAGICAL GWORL OF FRIENDSHIP!" "I guess I have no choice but to show you mine as well!" "MAGICAL GWORL OF PEACE!"
"Wow! You guys all have such beautiful magical gworl poses!" Jack was blown away by just how hot these men were.
"Thanks Jacky!" Westley said. Oh my god, he gave me a nickname!! Jack was excited that his super hot and smexy ex gave him a nickname. Then all of a sudden, the forces of hetero attacked the magical gworl headquarters in the form of a giant rabbit!!
"Quick summon your weapons!" Cris said as he pulled a rifle out of his skirt.
"On it!" Westley pulled a whip out of his skirt. Sebastian got into a fighting stance and pulled a scythe out of his skirt.
"Wait! How do I summon my weapon?!" Jack was in a state of panic as he didn't know what to do. He was also so confused where did the other boys get their weapons from? And how did they fit in their skirts?!
"Just stick your hand in your skirt and it'll be there!" Westley said. So Jack stuck his hand into his skirt and there it was, a magical girl stick.
"You have a nice stick there Jack." Westley gave him a compliment, boosting his morale before they went into battle.
"Skadaddle Skidoodle your d-ck is now a noodle!" The giant rabbit said, casting an evil spell on Westley.
"OH NO! MY D-CK! HOW CAN I F*CK PEOPLE NOW!?" Westley yelled as he passed out due to the shock of his d-ck getting turned into a noodle. Sebastian ran into battle to avenge Westley's d-ck,"SUPER SCYTHE ATTACK! Hiya~" He yelled as he was hit with a fatal blow.
"Jack, tell Jack to come over here." Sebastian said as he lay there about to die...
"Jack! Quick Sebastian needs you!!" Cris called, crying com at this point because he was turned on but this was so sad.
"Jack, do you like... fish sticks?" Sebastian said as he was about to die. "Yeah, I love fish sticks, I really, really love fish sticks." Jack replied, also crying com because he was also turned on.
"So you're a gay fish? That's. . . kinda gay..." And then Sebastian died. Womp womp.
"NO SEBASTIAN! STAY WITH US!" Jack yelled crying even more com because he was even more turned on.
"JACK QUICK! WE'RE LOSING WESTLY! WE HAVE TO GIVE MOUTH TO MOUTH!" Cris yelled. "O-OK!" Jack said as he started giving Westley mouth-to-mouth to save his d-ck.
"Jack you're such a baka! You're not even giving him mouth-to-mouth, you're just kissing him!" Cris slapped Jack upside the head.
"You should kiss me instead! B-BUT NOT BECAUSE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING!!" Cris yelled as he started kissing Jack. Jack kissed Cris back. Then Westley died because of shock. Jack and Cris started making out in front of Sebatians and Westley's bodies. Then God appeared and yanked Cris's head off his body.

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