July 26, 2015

936 33 58

Yup, this update was uninvitable, you knew this was coming didn't you? Instead of doing an actual "what I think" like I usually do, I'm simply going to state my opinion, and if you agree, great; if you disagree, good for you. I simply request no hate in the comments, but feel free to leave your opinions.
Edit: I was initially disappointed in this decision, but now I am trying hard to not define people by their sexuality. I am trying to accept people for who they are, but I still have a very very hard time with transgender and pansexuals (no hate to you, I just have a hard time wrapping my brain around it). I sat down with a couple people and saw their point of view-obviously I didn't have an open mind, and now I can see where I might have come off as rude or not understanding. (Original post:I am very disappointed in the Supreme Court for deciding this, for legalizing gay marriage. I personally don't support gay rights, or anything along those lines, and so this really kinda hit me hard.)
If you've read this whole book, you know that Mormons believe that marriage should strictly consist of 1 man and 1 woman. So, I see this a violation of my beliefs, something that I'm going to have to explain to everybody everywhere that I go. Most people will probably start thinking that Mormons are racist, or whatever the heck you call this sort of thing, but the simple truth is that we're not. I also see this as part of dissolving family values, because, seriously-think about it. How are two women, or two men, going to have children by themselves? Unless they adopt, or get pregnant by another man (women), or get someone pregnant to carry your child (men), it really can't happen.
However, I understand now that you can't change how you feel about someone, and our sexuality can be a fluid thing. I formally apologize to anybody that I might have hurt or had their trust broken in me, or something like that.
So yeah, that's what I think. Feel free to comment what you think, how you feel, etc. NOT HATE.

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