Mormon Cult

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So, I was online this morning trying to figure something out, and I saw this webpage marker 'Mormon Cult' so I clicked on it. There was so many things saying that Mormonism was just a cult and that we hate everybody who is not Mormon. Does it look like I hate everybody? Admit, there are even some people who go to your church that you don't like. Everybody has the people that annoy them.
So, are we a cult? Heck no! We are a established religion that was organized in Fayette, New York. Let me help you figure this out:
1. A cult by definition is: a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols, as defined by
2. A religion is a set of beliefs that one person has that usually pertains to God, or has some holy part to it.
As you have seen, or heard, there are many cults throughout the world. Islam is not one of these many cults throughout the world, however the different terrorist groups that branch off it are (ISIS). Another example would be a group that forces you to be embarrassed, like eating raw eggs in front of the whole school.
So, Mormonism is not a cult. We don't make you do stupid things, dangerous things, embarrassing things, mean things, cruel things, or life threatening things. That is what a cult does. Almost everything in a Latter Day-Saints life is purely optional. If you want to go on a mission-optional. Temple marriage-recommended but optional. Church callings-optional. Youth programs-optional. Personal Progress/Eagle Scout-highly beneficial (it can get you a scholarship) but optional. BYU-optional. Baptism-kind of required to be a member, but optional. So you see, in the LDS/Mormon church, nothing is forced.
-----PM for questions

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