Joseph Smith

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How do I even talk about this? This is going to be a long one peeps, I promise. By the way, is there anyone reading this that doesn't like the Mormon religion?
So I've heard many bad things about Joseph Smith, so I would to clear things up a little by doing statements and answers.
S: Joseph Smith is a pedophile
A: I have honestly never heard this one before. Maybe this comes from the whole polygamy thing with him, but I can honestly testify that he is not a pedophile. Think about it...pedophile's would not be ordained of God, and we believe that Joseph Smith was ordained of God to restore the true church.
S: Joseph Smith was not ordained of God, and is a crazy idiot.
A: If you don't believe this, that's your opinion. LDS members/Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was ordained of God. I believe that he was not a crazy man, or an idiot. We personally believe that he helped restore the true church to the Earth.
S: Joseph Smith had over 20 wifes, and is therefore a rapist.
A: Ok, yes, he did have something like 20 wifes. But, keep in mind that The Lord had the LDS religion of that time have multiple wife's simply to help them out. Women of that time lost their husbands when New York kicked us out, making us move to Illionois. Men were called to marry certain widows that couldn't provide for themselves. Women who were married often had lots of kids, no money, no shelter, or no food. Joseph Smith married multiple people to help them, not to have lots of women to fool around with. And let me tell you something-Joseph was so torn by being told to follow polygamy that he denied God three times. He didn't start following the commandment until God threatened to kill him with his servant Moroni, and suffer death by the flaming sword.
S: Joseph Smith will go to hell for preaching crap.
A: Ok, again, Joseph Smith was ordained of God. So that would be like me telling you that your minister is preaching crap and lies (which I'm totally not saying). And since he was ordained of God, he was preaching what God revealed to him to teach.

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