Remnants of Diamond Squad

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Rain was the Second in Command for his squad. His armor, a deep officers blue color, was probably the most unique of them. As we go on, you will discover his personality. Though his face looked just like every other. Also operating as the squads medic, Rain can save or preserve most of his squad in a tight situation.

Main weapon: DC-15A
Secondary: DC17
Equipment: Bandolier (Smoke Grenades), Satchel (Medical Supplies), Ammo Packs (Line Belt), Holster, (2) Thermal Detonator

Main weapon: DC-15ASecondary: DC17Equipment: Bandolier (Smoke Grenades), Satchel (Medical Supplies), Ammo Packs (Line Belt), Holster, (2) Thermal Detonator

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Pvt. Crain is the rookie of the squad, being named Crane cause of an accident with them that led to a lot of trouble for him. His armor was fairly basic since he was new, and it gave everyone all the more reason to fuck with him. Crane is a very loud but jokey person. Unless the joke is about him. He operates as one of the squads rifleman.

Main weapon: DC-15S
Secondary: DC17
Equipment: (1) Thermal Detonator, (1) Droid Popper.


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PFC. Jester, the one and only, he's the squads heavy and demolitions trooper. Using the DC-15LE and the Z-6, depending on the mission. After the war, he's got someone to go home too. It's surprising to all of them but after the war, he's gonna leave the army and start a life.

Main Weapon: DC-15LE / Z-6 Rotary Cannon
Secondary: DC17
Equipment: Satchel (Explosives), Bandolier (Thermal Detonators)

Main Weapon: DC-15LE / Z-6 Rotary CannonSecondary: DC17Equipment: Satchel (Explosives), Bandolier (Thermal Detonators)

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Leaving the sergeant for last, we have Sgt. Breach. He's the Squad Leader, and calls the shots. He uses a different Navy uniform because it "gives him more mobility" as he says. The other soldiers have learned not to question him on that.

Main Weapon: DC17
Secondary: Vibroblade
Equipment: Cleaning Kits, Ammo Packs, (1) Thermal Detonators.

Main Weapon: DC17Secondary: VibrobladeEquipment: Cleaning Kits, Ammo Packs, (1) Thermal Detonators

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And with that, that's the last of the important squad members done. Thank you if you read through them all. Have a good day. Going to go into the story as soon as possible.

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