Chapter 10: Forward: Jester

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(Sorry for the lack of uploads for awhile, but we're back after my month(ish) of procrastination. Enjoy!)

[Takes place during chapter 9]

As Jester opened his eyes. He saw multiple clones asleep. It was very early, no one was even awake yet. As he got up, he'd see the crates and stretch his arms. Before standing up and tapping a clone on the shoulder, his name was Longshot. He was, unsurprisingly, a sniper. He didn't seem like he slept at all, in fact it looked like he was embarrassed as all hell. But he just blinked and put his helmet on. Walking over and starting to help him load stuff up. Before others started waking up and helping load stuff off of the LAAT. The Crates weren't that heavy but they did wear out his arms so he decided to take a break, he saw that there was about 4 men awake and Breach's helmet reared up, starting to crane around while Jester stood up. Going back to loading up crates before they eventually all were on the ship.

Near the end, Rain and Crain and allot others came and helped before we all got into the CR70. He would look around, he had heard that they found a kid a bit ago but Rain and Crain won't let anyone near him. He wondered what the kid looked like, if there was anything that happened to him. But after he finished offloading the crates he'd stand up and stretch. As he stretched he saw Breach go to the ramp and sit down. Jester shrugged it off, it's been a rough few days and everyone needed a break. As Jester stood up, he saw some clones playing a game. One that they had made up while going through the war probably. But he didn't know them personally. His squad he was born with was all dead. Atleast as far as he knew. As he explored around the base, he found an armory. Walking over as he set his old DC-15LE on a rack. Before picking up and testing a Z-6. It was the only one on the ship. But it felt comfortable in his hands. He would do a test rev as it whirred beautifully, before he saw a few modifications for various weapons. None that fit the Z-6, but there was a manual on how to install all these mods. He picked it up and slid it into his backpack. Telling himself he'd read it later before walking out. Setting his Z-6 into his sleeping spot that he had the day before.

As he walked away, he looked throughout the ship. Before pulling out the last photo he had of his wife and lover he got during his short time on Coruscant. He even taught her how to shoot a blaster... before he heard the door open and saw Mark and Breach walking back into the ship and talking to Rain. He paid them no mind as he stood up. A smile his face from remembering his lover back home. As he started to walk, doing a few more tests of his Z-6 (he was in love with how it felt), before he walked forward. Hearing that they're going into Hyperspace. Setting his Z-6 by his seat before sitting down and strapping himself in. Making sure all the buckles are secured as he pushed his body deep into his chair. Watching them hit Hyperspace as he watches it. It was always a satisfying view as he listened to everything around him. Smiling as he thinks of his wife back home, atleast that's what he thought of her as. He couldn't be more lucky. She was beautiful. Before Longshot walked over and shook him. A smile on the Clones face. He was an older clone, born around when Phase 2 was first introduced.

 He was an older clone, born around when Phase 2 was first introduced

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(Credits too blue.nade on IG)

"You alright man? Your eyes were turning to hearts."
Longshot and him laughed. It was nice, not worrying about what they needed to do for a bit. He and Longshot weren't friends before all this, but he was a pretty cool guy from talking to him. When he looked at him though, he never saw his sniper rifle.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Where's your Sniper though? Never noticed it was gone till now."
Longshot looked embarrassed as he scratched the back of his helmet. Jester felt tempted to laugh a little before Longshot spoke again. His tone more hurried.
"I might have forgotten it before we left. So I grabbed a regular Long Rifle. It should be alright."
The fellow clone and him started laughing, it was nice to just relax and joke around with one of his brothers. Though he knew that it could only last so long. As he looked at space. A smile on his face as he took his helmet off.
"That's hilarious, how do you forget your rifle?"
He was laughing his ass off as he spoke. A light smile was on his face as he turned his attention back onto Longshot. As Longshot sat, raising his hands defensively as he laughs while speaking.
"I was tired when we were leaving, actually that was the reason I was awake when you started unloading crates. That's why I was awake. I was mentally facepalming cause I forgot my rifle."
Jester was laughing the whole time as he heard this. This story was pure gold before he remembered what his face looked like and laughed even harder. Eventually getting control of himself and looking at Longshot. As they spoke more, the hours slipped by. Before letting Longshot get a nap and listening to space once again.

As he watched the ship fly through hyperspace, he silently fell asleep without realizing it. It was a dream about his wife, which wasn't odd since he's had allot of dreams about her since he got stranded. He felt her lips against his, he got to talk to her, he got to cry in her arms. He missed that... having someone that won't judge you and let you cry for a while. Before being woken up by Longshot, we were directly above Coruscant!

He stands up quickly and runs too Rain. Informing them as a comm patched through. Ordering us onto the bridge of a Venator. It had been awhile since he'd see one of them. And it was a damn good sight, breathing a sigh of deep relief he never knew was that as he smiled. Mouthing a small "im coming home." before dialogue started between Rain and the Commander on the Bridge started. He heard something about inspection which got him interested. But he was busy wanting to see his wife back home as he runs, practically flying. Going to the door as they flew into the hangar. As soon as the door opened he was out, watching as blasters were ready as a Lieutenant stepped forward. He had forgotten his blaster, fuck! That didn't matter at the time, he was so happy he got to go home! Back to his wife's arms. But as he realized they were waiting for him and the others specifically, his smile faded. A very sad demeanor replacing it as he watches. Realizing he won't see her yet...

"Your aircraft, it's reported to have fallen during the siege of Mandalore. Took an ion round. Why do you have it?" Rain would take off his helmet, showing that he was a clone. Motioning for the others to take off theirs as well. Jester took his off as he revealed his growing hair. He had never really had facial hair but now he had a small stubble and longer hair.

"We woke up after our venator crashed. It was called 'The Tribunal', we woke up on an unnamed moon. Nobody named it. But we managed to piece together an LAAT, for out of there and went to Mandalore. Found this and fixed it up. We've been trying to get back here for days, maybe even a week. And we just want somewhere to finally sleep and shower. And my brother Jester has a girl down there. And not one of the prostitute's, an actual lover." As he heard this, his desperation and anxiety raised. Wanting nothing more in this moment than to see his wife that was so close. Before gripping his helmet to hide it as he watched the conversation. Willing himself not to show too much of his desperation. Though the Lieutenant seemed to note it as they looked at him for a moment.

"Hmmmm, you will be held here for today. Let yourselves relax and take as many showers as you want. We will talk and inform you in the morning."
He said as not feeling all there, but as he looked around, he saw that everyone seemed to be ready to blast their way out. Even Mark, though he seemed like he was in pain. He did barely survive getting shot in the back so it made sense. But it seemed like everyone had a bad plan about this moment, he didn't though. His wife was down on this planet and he could see her the very next day if everything went well.

"Alright, guess I'll see you all here tomorrow. Shower and relax. Make sure to get plenty of rest in an actual bed tonight."
This seemed to alleviate the pressure as they all breathed a small sigh of relief and walked off. Hester went to shower as he felt the water splash onto his body. Excited for tomorrow as he washes himself. Once he finished showering, he walked to the mirror and began too groom himself. Cutting his hair back to how it was. But he did keep the stubble, he liked how it looked. Before putting his armor on after a fresh clean from the droids while he showered. He felt refreshed, and really good. Before opening the door and walking throughout the Venator. He couldn't sleep with how excited he was. A wide smile on his face as he went to the ship and grabbed his Z-6, going to the shooting range as he begins to practice. He didn't plan on getting much sleep tonight that's for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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