Chapter 7: Survival: Jester

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(Sorry for not writing a chapter yesterday, I'm probably gonna write 2 or 3 today.)
(Listen to the song "Diggy Diggy Hole", it's amazing and I've listened too it multiple times while writing this book)

[3 days after last chapter]

Jester was looking for Rain, it had been a few days since Rain's promotion. As Jester opened the door to the MedBay, Rain was passed out with his head arm. Jester would chuckle and quietly walk over, getting behind him as he reared his hands up and then shook Rain violently. Rain had shot up so fast and he screamed so loud he bumped his own knee against the table. Jester would cackle loudly as he looked at Rain, Rain looked about ready to pass back out or snap his back in half. But Rain would only move his hand to rub his temples, groaning slightly.
"What the fuck? Is everything okay?" Rain looked like hell. His eyes were lined with bags and his hair was dirty. But he carried himself with allot more power when he held himself too when he was a Corporal. But with the recent addition of men, he had gotten stress lines on his forehead and a little bit of hair was starting to grow in white.
"No, just wanted to tell you that the LAAT is ready. We can finally get off this rock. Whenever you say. But we're all ready." Jester felt overall happy. Smiling as he spoke, his helmet resting under his arm. He'd wait for Rain's response as he rubs his forehead.
"Alright, we'll leave tomorrow. Let me know when everyone's ready." Rain would stretch his arms as he grabbed his helmet and rifle, putting his helmet on and slinging his rifle across his back.
"Alright, see you later." He'd walk out of the room with a grin on his face. As he left, he'd hear Rain leave after him as he went to the main camp and began to talk to the men. As he walked, he saw a clone with one arm lying on the ground, he'd blink in surprise as he called for a medic through his comms. He'd quickly run over as the clone was barely breathing. As he checked the stub that the soldier had, whoever cauterized the wound saved him... but the Medic would arrive as he quickly saw the soldier and ran over. He'd let the medic go to work as he stood. As another Medic came in, they'd carry him to the camp and fix him up. Jester would follow as he watched the soldier stand up slowly. Jester would watch him for hours as one soldier looked at him, stressed. As the soldier coughed awake, they would both walk over as the other soldier spoke.
"Mark! Do you remember anything?" Everyone was wary as they watched this. Jester would listen for the soldiers response as the scarred clone looked around. Lifting his hand as he rubs his forehead before blinking. As if remembering he lost his arm.
"Y-Yeah, other than this arm I think I'm fine. My arm... has anyone seen Maul?" Everyone nodded, nobody had seen him after the crash. But Jester would offer his hand (hehe) to pick him up. As he got up, he would just kind of stare at his stump. He thought it was probably hard to think at the moment, processing everything hut everyone still looked uneasy until Jester asked a question.
"Do you know what your inhibitor chip is?" The trooper looked confused as he scratched the back of his head. Obviously not knowing what an Inhibitor Chip is.
"Uhhhh, no. I can't say I do. Why do you ask?" Jester would look around as he looks at a few soldiers, gesturing at Mark as Crain saw what was happening and got a flat piece of metal ready just in case. Rearing it back as he waited for Jester's signal.
"Because it's gonna make you betray all you stand for, all that's important." He would get ready to signal for Crain to hit him as he watched Mark speak.
"Well, how do I get rid of it?" He would look around as everyone confused, then he would see Crain right behind him with a huge piece of metal. His face showed visible horror for a second as Crain set down the metal and walked forward. Holding his hands out in a calming manor as he signals for everyone to stand down.
"Hey, we're not there. Maul isn't here. We're all safe. He's not here." Everyone watched as Mark seemed to be reliving the events before Crain pulled him into his chest, talking to him as Jester noticed that he seemed to be talking from experience. Jester decided to leave them be as he sat next to their fire. As it crackled he would take the soldier into the ship as Crain raised 2 fingers to his ear piece.

Jester would watch in the distance as he would pull out his DC-15LE, a cloth, and a cleaning kit as he begins to clean his rifle. Pulling the case of the long barrel off as he begins to examine and clean the innards of his LMG. As he continues to clean, getting his rag wet again. He'd finish after a few more minutes and would put the casing of his rifle back onto it. Letting the hatches lock into their positions. Eventually he'd see the soldier again. His helmet having some new marks on it. And presumably, he had a scar on the left of his head. He'd sit in front of the fire as the soldier had a holster and a DC17 in it. He began to talk about his past. The rampage of Maul. And the horror he felt as his arm was cleaved off by the door...

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