Ronba (Ronnie Dunn/Reba)

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Ronnie paced up and down the hall of the Opry. He's been thinking of when the right time would come for him to tell Reba what's been on his chest. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her dressing room door. "Come in!" He smiled and stepped inside, Reba is sitting on the couch, looking at a magazine. "Hi Ronnie, what's up?" She smiled that beautiful smile that makes his heart beat faster. "The show starts in an hour, can we talk?" Reba nods and gestures to the spot next to her.

"Ronnie, is there something you wanted to talk about?"

He realized he was quiet for some time. "Uh, long does it take your heart to stop hurting after someone breaks it?" Reba raised an eyebrow and sat up a bit straighter. "Um some time, why? It took me a year after the divorce." Ronnie rubs his face, "Janine...she left me for someone else." Reba frowns, "I'm sorry you want to talk about it?" Ronnie shakes his head, "maybe after the show and over a drink?" Reba gives him a small smile and nod. "My place?" Ronnie nods. He'll tell her then.


The two walked into Reba's house and she headed up the stairs. "Make yourself at home, I'm going to change." He nods and walks into the kitchen to make them drinks.

She came down a few moments after and sat at the counter. "When did she leave you?" Ronnie sat her glass down and took the stool next to her. "A month ago..." She laid her hand on his. "I'm sorry, how are the kids?" He shrugs, "they were sad, but understood the circumstances." She nods, "and you, how are you holding up?" He takes a sip of his whiskey. "Hanging in there, we've just been married for so long and she decided that the kids are grown and don't really need us anymore. She goes and starts seeing some other dude." Reba sighs, "the kids will always need you and I know how that feels." He looks at her and leans in. "Ronnie..." He covers her lips with his, causing her to freeze. He pulls away, but she pulls him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing between his legs. He stands up and picks her up without breaking the kiss and sets her on the counter. She moves their drinks away and wraps her legs around him. His hands slide up her shirt, sending goosebumps all over her skin.

When air became necessary, they pulled away, but leaving their body glued to each other. "Ronnie..." She smiles and cups his face. "I love you, Reba. I have for a long time. I just thought as a sister or friend. Till the signs started appearing." She looks at him in awe, "Ronnie...I love you too."


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