Reba/Trisha Yearwood

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Trisha Yearwood has looked up to Reba as a mentor her entire life. When she got into the music business, Reba gave her good advice, and she never forgot it, never will.

Reba has been a guest on Trisha's cooking show a few times and was asked again to join. Of course, she loves hanging out with Trisha and her cooking is delicious. She arrived to the film house early because she's always early to everything, especially to Trisha's. Trisha hugs her, "I'm so happy you agreed to do this, again." Reba hugs her back taking in the sweet coconut smell. "Anything for my favorite Georgia peach." Trisha rolls her eyes laughing. "Sure lie right to my face." Reba shakes her head, "I don't lie, you are my favorite, always have been." Trisha blushes as they walk inside.

Trisha came out to her family that she likes women too. Her step-daughter was so proud of her braveness, Garth was a little shocked that she didn't tell him before. She knew since she was twenty-six, but didn't think about it nor come to terms with her sexuality till a few years ago.
At 45 she felt like it was time, her and Garth's marriage became a little rocky but they've managed to look happy.

Reba came out to her family later in life too, when she went out publicly she received some hate and disrespect. Her second marriage ended, due to other circumstances, and she hooked up with a few women here and there; nothing too serious. That was till she met a young woman and they hit it right off. That relationship lasted six months when she received a call from the police that she was murdered; that broke Reba's heart and she hasn't been with anyone since. She took the blame for all the harassment and threats that she got and that she didn't do anything about to prevent this. Reba locked herself in the house for months and took off working too. After a few years of therapy and love from family and friends; she got back to work, slowly. Trisha and her talked throughout the whole time Reba took off and some. Once Trisha went over there with food and to check on her friend. Reba looked like hell but of course Trisha didn't tell her that. They talked and Trisha came out to her and told her how scared she was to come out to her fans. Reba told her that no matter what she does, be protected and look out for the ones she loves.

The two sat on the back porch swing with a glass of wine and the conversation just flew nicely between them. Reba asked if she came out to her family yet and Trisha nods sipping her wine. "Yeah, Allie is happy for me and Garth is coming around. He said I can do anything as long as I'm happy." Reba smiles and nods. Her mind was thinking about those sweet puffy lips on hers as she listened/watched Trisha talk.

The crew arrived and they began making homemade spaghetti and sauce. They were halfway through when Trisha felt Reba's hand grab hers and the crew yelling 'turn the cameras off!' She blinked and looked down. Reba had a towel around Trisha's hand that was covered in blood. "Are you okay? We have to get you to the hospital." Trisha smiled, "I'm sure it's just a cut, fuck that hurts." Reba slightly chuckled, "yeah sure a cut, a major one. Come on I'll take you." Trisha knew this was an incident from her mind going else where. "No, thank you, Tony can you take me?" He shook his head and the rest copied. "Come on, now Trisha before you bleed out in your kitchen." She nods and follows Reba to her truck. "Let's take mine, so I don't get blood in yours." Reba opens the passenger door, "Patricia Lynn Yearwood, get your ass in the truck now!" Trisha did as she was told because she was scared of what Reba might do, but also she's turned on by that tone of voice. Reba closes the door and gets in.

The ride to the hospital was quiet. When they arrived at the hospital Reba helped Trisha out and walk with her inside. The nurse took Trisha into a room and Reba followed. The nurse didn't seem to notice who they were, that they are just like every other patient in here. Another nurse came in to stitch Trisha's hand. While doing her job, she was sorta flirting with Trisha which was making Reba's blood boil and she sorta hid it. Reba said something, but the nurse ignored her as if she wasn't there. Trisha just smiled and sat quiet. A few stiches in Trisha mindlessly took Reba's hand. Reba gave the nurse that screw you kind of smile as she squeezed her hand back. "Almost done." The nurse said.

Once they were released, Reba opened Trisha's door, "hop in, we're going for a ride."
Trisha nods and they drive off. "Are you okay, Reba? I appreciate this, but I could've had Garth pick me up." Reba shakes her head and drives till we reach a saluted area and pulls over. She turns to look at Trisha and she does the same carefully not to hit her hand on anything. "Reba..." She sighs and goes off. "Did you not notice how that nurse was practically flirting with you and most likely stripping you in her mind?" Trisha starts to laugh, is she jealous? Of course Trisha noticed both things happening, the nurse and Reba's expression. She looked like she wanted to beat the nurse up. Trisha nods, "Reba, she's not the first and probably not the last. Why does it bother you? Are you jealous?" Reba gasps, "excuse doesn't matter." Trisha takes her hand and puts them in her lap. "It's okay if you are, I kinda find it hot. Watching you back there getting all upset over something I wasn't paying any attention to, was pretty adorable." Trisha chuckle and Reba glares at Trisha. "You saw that?" Trisha nods again. "Reba I wanted to see if maybe you like me in a different way." She scoffs, "you could've just asked or kissed me..." Trisha blushes and nods questionably. Reba nods and leans in, "I do like you, Patricia Lynn. I really do want you to kiss me." Trisha grins and leans in too. They meet in the middle and their lips mold together as if they were meant for each other.

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