Wynonna Judd & Trisha Yearwood

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The tour was coming up and Wynonna personally asked Trisha if she would be a guest on the tour.

With no need to think, Yearwood of course said yes. Wynonna and her talked on the phone for hours about what song(s) they would sing and how many shows Trisha would do all together.


Trisha hopped on Wy's bus and knocked on her bedroom door. "Come in!" Trisha stepped in and quickly ran over hugging her friend. "You made it! Thank you for coming." Trisha squeezed her a little tighter. "Of course, Wy. I love you and I love your mom. I would kick myself if I didn't do this." Wy started tearing up and as well as Trisha. "Don't cry, I'll cry if you do." They both chuckle and dab their eyes. "Plenty of that later. You look so good, Ty." Trisha rolled her eyes, "thanks, so do you. Seriously what's the secret?" Wy picks up a bottle of spray. "Glitter" in sync and laughs. "Want some?" Trisha nods, "of course, but I don't want to out shine you." Wy rolls her eyes, "please, like you could do that?" Flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I should go get ready, see you in a few hours, bud." They hug one more time and Trisha goes back to her bus.

After a few songs, Wy announces Trisha's appearance and the crowd goes crazy. They hug and begin singing. Trisha winks and hugs Wy as they sing the last verse. "I love you Wy." "I love you too Ty."
Trisha waves to the audience as she leaves. She goes backstage to the meet and greet room. Wy reapplies her make up and fixes herself before joining her. "Let's do this!"

They meet the VIP fans or as Wy calls them friends, taking photos and signing whatever they needed to. A little girl came up and was very shy as she walked up with her mom. "Awe, hi sweetie. What is your name?" Wy sat down on the couch beside them, and the girl smiled. "Naomi, ma'am." Wy inhaled as she smiled big at the little girl. "That's a pretty name. Did you know that's my mama's name?" The little girl nods, "mama named me after her. I'm five." She held up her hand showing Wy her five fingers. Wy chuckles and holds out her arms for the girl to walk into. "May I have a hug, little Naomi?" Naomi smiles and hugs Wy as tight as she could. The mom was videoing the whole time and Wy looked over at Trisha who was crying quietly and snapped a few photos. Wy looks at the mom and she puts the phone down. "Thank you, I appreciate this." The mom nods and has tears in her own eyes. "I love you two, I was raised on y'all and so will she. Not only was Love is Alive playing, but Naomi shares
her birthday with your mom too." Wy inhales again, "that's amazing, I know she'll be looking down at you two." Wy takes a photo with them and behinds down to the girls height. "I have something I would love to give to you." Wy takes a pin off her shirt and hands it to her. "This was my mother's. I would love for you to have it, little Naomi." The mom saw this, "oh you do-" Wy shook her head, "I have plenty and mom would love for her to have it too." They all hugged and the two left.

"That was beautiful Wy. I'm sure she'll never forget this, neither of them will." Wy let out a shaky cry and nods. Trisha holds her and rubs her back. "Shh, let it out. I got you." They sat on the couch and the guard shuts the door to give them privacy. Wy eventually got herself together and leans against Trisha's shoulder. "I'm sorry, I had to hold it in for her." Trisha shakes her head, "it's okay, you did amazing honey. Say how about we go do a movie with popcorn and wine?" Wy chuckles and nods.

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