Reba & Vince Gill

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The Affair:

Both marriages were going through a rough patch and the two found comfort with each other.

They were working on the music video for The Heart Won't Lie. After shooting the fireplace scene and the beach walk, they were sent to their trailers for a few hours.

Vince knocks on her trailer and she opens, still in the same outfit. He wraps his arm around her waist as he shuts the door behind him. "Vi-" He kisses her, Reba's back was against the wall, and slides his hand under her shirt. She moans as his hand cups her breast. He picks her up and carries her to the bed. She wraps her legs around his waist and pulls his crotch close to hers. She moans louder as she felt him and he grinds against her. "Please...Vince..."


A few months later at the awards, the two are hosting, Reba walked to his dressing room, he opened the door as she was about to knock. "Reba..." She smiles and looks past him to see if he was alone. "Vince..." He steps back allowing her in and closes the door. She grabs the collar of his shirt and kisses him hard. They grin and he sits on the couch; she straddles his lap. "Please Vince." That's all he needed to hear.


Keeping A Secret:

Reba woke up running to the bathroom and throwing up.

Once it passed she sat on the floor against the wall. She must've drank a little more than she thought. Another thought crossed her mind and she laughed as if she could be. Then the sickness came back.

She called her doctor later on in the morning to make an appointment. She was able to get in that afternoon.


She sat in the chair in the office, frozen, the doctor confirmed she's pregnant and measuring to be four months along. She scheduled the next appointment and left. She got in her car and lost it.


She arrived home, walking in Narvel is sitting on the couch.

"Where were you?" She jumps, "I had an appointment...what's the attitude?" He glares and she glares back. They start arguing and he yells that he's leaving her for her friend. She falls onto the couch and starts crying. "I'm pregnant." He stops and whips around. "I bet it's not mine." She shakes her head, "of course not, you've been sleeping with someone else! Leave you asshole!" He does and doesn't even say goodbye. She just hears the door slam behind him.


Reba calls her sisters and they tell her they're coming to her. She'll tell them about the baby when they arrive.


The next day her sisters arrive and they hug. "Reba..." She loses it and they hug her tighter. "I'm pregnant...but it's not his..." They step back shocked. "Who's the father?"

She shakes her head, wiping her tears away, and walking to the living room. "Reba Nell McEntire!" Alice yells and Reba looks down in her lap. "Vince..." The two look at each other and chuckles. "Knew you two would act on your feelings."

Reba glares at them. "I'm not telling him. He's still with Amy."



Noelle Victoria McEntire was born Christmas day eighteen years ago.

Reba had moved to Oklahoma and stopped doing shows when she couldn't hide the belly anymore. She never told Vince and had Noelle stay away from the spotlight. Noelle asked a few times why she couldn't travel with her; Reba told her the truth when she was old enough to understand (of course leaving the major point out). At the age of 16, Noelle asked her aunts who her father was. "Ask your mama." Noelle rolls her eyes, she's so much like her mother and looks like Vince. "I have, she won't say, only telling me it's not is to me..."

From 16 to 18, Noelle avoided talking to her mother and didn't bother going to Nashville to visit.

"Noelle Victoria..." Noelle turned her back towards Reba. Reba pushed off the frame and sits on the edge of Noelle's bed. "Baby girl..." She sighs and lays behind Noelle. "El...I'll tell you, if you'd turn around and hug your mama." Noelle rolls over in her mother's arms and hugs her, snuggling into her. "Why now?" Reba sighs and kisses her head as she runs her hand down her hair. "He's in Oklahoma and I want the truth to come out. It's been hard enough keeping it from both of you." Noelle sighs, "who is he?" Reba blinks a tear falling. "Vince Gill..." Noelle sits up, "Mom!"


Meeting My Father: Noelle's POV

Mom pulled into the driveway and he was standing on the porch waving. I give a small wave and mom waves out the window.

He walks over and opens my door, his eyes are watery and mine begin to water. "Come give your old man a hug." I get out and hug him and cries. "Hi dad." His arms tighten around me and mom stands there smiling and crying too. He holds out an arm for her and we stand there hugging, like if we let go, we might wake up from this dream. "I'm so happy to finally meet you, el. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you." I shake my head and he's exactly how mom described him. She knows it's mainly her mom's fault, but he's taking the fall. "I'm happy you're here now." We let go kind of and walks inside. "I'm going to throw these steaks on and we can talk or play a game. Whatever you want to do. Go ahead and walk around the house." He smiles and kisses the side of my head.

I still can't get over how they're my parents. I watch as mom and dad, oh that's going to take some time to get used to, laugh and joke as if they've been together for ever. I smile and walks around the house, it's huge. I see a barn out back with some cows and horses in the pasture. "Dad, can I go out to the barn?!"

"Of course! Be careful. Don't get close to the big long horn. He's not friendly!" I laugh and runs outside.


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