King & Queen (George Strait & Reba)

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The King and Queen of country music agreed to one more tour before George's retirement.

They've toured together a few times, but this one would be special.

George is on his bus getting ready for the show. He's just in his jeans, boots, and hat when Reba steps on the bus. She froze when she saw his appearance. She swallows looking him over, she didn't mean to stare, but how could she not? What seventy-one year young man looks that amazing. Tight muscles that she just wanted to run her hands over and squeeze. The way he's standing and looking at her with the most shit eating grin. She swallows hard and blushes. "Sorry, I-" He laughs, "cat got your tongue or do you just like what you see, red?" She chuckles and nods.

"I came here to ask you something, but I forgot the question. I'm gonna go." She turns to leave when she feels his rough, calcic hand, grab her elbow. "Wait, you don't have to go right yet." She slowly turns around and looks up into his eyes. "I'm sor-" George cups her face and kisses her softly. She practically goes limp to the feel. A slight moan escapes and she wraps her arms around his waist. He kisses down her jaw and down her neck. "George..." moaning again. His beard scratching her skin is something she didn't realize she could get turned on by. She wanted to push him away because he's a married man and she's going through a divorce. When he begins to walk backwards and pick her up she snaps back to reality.

"George stop. You're married and I'm-" She steps out of his embrace and he reaches for her. "No I'm not Reba, Norma left me. We only told the family, it's been almost a year, and I'm ready to begin another story." Reba's jaw drops a little. "You're what? I...why didn't you say anything? Is this why you wanted to do this tour? To get in my-" He shakes his head and takes her hand. "No, of course not, I planned on telling you, but then this moment happened and I just forgot...I didn't know how to bring it up." She sighs and nods understanding. "I'm sorry." He nods again and grabs his hat, but she snatches it and puts it on her head. He grins, "beautiful, do you know the cowboy hat rule?" Reba nods, licking her lips smirking, "oh I do, handsome." He kisses her and holds her waist. "Mmm, sweet heart, meet me back on the bus after the show?" She laughs and hands him the hat, "you think you can get me that easily?" He shakes his head, damn her sassy ass.


After the show and meet and greets, the two went their separate ways. Reba changed into pjs and laid in bed thinking about earlier. It hasn't left her mind. She doesn't remember the last time she was like that, flirting like a teenage girl. The way it came so natural made her giddy inside. Her marriages used to be like that in the beginning then it went from romance to basically friends with benefits sorta thing. That got her thinking, is that all George wants?

George sat on his bed kicking off his boots and tossing his hat onto the chair. He stared at said hat for a moment thinking of how earlier was. Same kind of thoughts ran through his mind. His marriage with Norma was perfect, young love, till it wasn't. They tried to work things out, but that fire that once was there, slowly burnt out within time. They decided to go their separate ways and yes it was hard on both, she called him twice to check on him. After the last call, he had learned she met someone on a cruise that she went on with her friends. It broke his heart to know she had already moved on, at that time it was only months after the divorce. He shook his head and went back to thinking about a certain red head.

The busses stopped in Texas to refuel and the bands picked up some essentials. George woke up due to the stopping and sat up. He looked at the sunrise and smiled. Slipping on a top her snuck off the bus and went to Reba's. She was on the couch sipping her coffee. "Good morning, cowboy." She smiled sipping from the mug. "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" She shrugs, "I don't sleep well on the bus or any moving vehicle." She points to the coffee maker, "there's still some coffee if you'd want some." He nods and grabs a mug as he fills it, they chat till their coffees are gone.
She takes the mugs and puts them in the sink. George stands up and wraps his arms around her from behind and rests his chin on her shoulder. "George...what is someone sees us?" He smiles and shakes his head, "no one will, now look at that sky and all the different colors." Reba does and he kisses her shoulder up her neck. Reba lets out a soft moan, "George...I'm not that..." She giggles as he starts tickling her sides. "I know, but you haven't stopped me...Reba I want this just as much as you do. And we don't have much time, tour and our life time." Reba turns in his embrace and looks up. "I do, but my body isn't..." He kisses her hard and shoves himself against her pelvis. "Oh George..." She wraps her arms around his neck and takes his hat putting it on her head. "You're so beautiful Reba, don't doubt that for a moment." He rubs her sides and walks backwards towards the bedroom.

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