Chapter I

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ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! FOUR!! Greg shouts at his band mates, as the drums start the song off. " Takin the world for granted, what a bloody shame, consumed in that lonely feelin when it consumes ya, I'll be there to save ya,. We love p..policet?!" Greg's left eye twitches, in arising anger. " Oi!! Bloody hell, who changed the lyrics!!" . Greg faces his band mates as they attempt to hide their giggles. '' Oi, mate it wasn't me, eh" shrugged Nathan, their drummer. " I ain't got Scooby Doo, Greg." said Joey, their bassist. Greg, Joey and Nathan turn to look at Danny, their guitarist. " What, I did nothin mates." Danny gives the members an awkward smile. Greg squints his eyes at Danny, " Danny!!, you bloody git!!, that took me a month to write, yeah!?" Greg grits his teeth at Danny in anger, and pounces at Danny, like a tiger catching prey. " Oi!! Watch it Greg! I just got these snake bites pierced you twat!" Danny pushes Greg off of him and dusts himself off.
" Ay Bruv's, instead of bloody touchin each other, how about gettin ready for our house tour. The MTV van is out there." Nathan titters while readjusting the band's equipment. A nice firm knock fills the hollow wooden door. Greg sighs and proceeds to put on a fake smile. It wasn't hard for Greg to fake and or imitate emotions, hence him working at a circus at 10 years old. Greg opens the door, as the cameras bombard the front door. " Good mornin MTV!! On this episode of '' House tours UK '', we present to you a new Black Metal band named " Bladed Priests"!! Greg grimaces at the cameras, but quickly fixes the negative expression. '' Oi, mates I'm Greg MCcoy, the songwriter and Vocalist." Greg throws two thumbs up to wrap up his sentence, while containing the fake smile in awkwardness. " So Greg, tells us fun facts about cha and the house mate!" Greg signals the camera crew with his hand to come in, and they proceed to do so.
The camera crew follows Greg inside and his movements, throughout The house they lived in. " I aint no special bloke, im twenty four, i aint got no siblings. My setup ( family/ parents ) is wack. My parents yeah? Tried to bloody kill themselves with locking, themselves and me in a garage with intoxicated fumes. They died, while I tried to find something to break the Garage door. I found a matchety and started slamming it across the bloody Garage door, until it broke open. I saw them die at 10 years old bruv. Besides them being prat's, in order for me to financially sustain myself, I worked at a circus named " Pete's Cycling Circus", a place that paid me about ten dollars an hour. I've actually worked in the circus industry for" Greg, starts to count on his fingers. " Fourteen years now, say I bloody love it, I do say i'd be knackered after the long performances, of jumpin and "flyin" around. But what can I say, I needed the coins heh." Greg, starts walking up to the second floor, as the camera crew follows him like paparazzi. " This right here, were my father's." Points at a taxidermy set of two raccoons playing cards. " Bloody cool innit? Bruv was obsessed with Death like I am." The camera crew focuses on a glass glazed black shelf, It contained a bunch of skeletons, some cat taxidermy and a

breathtaking guitar. They proceed to focus on the Guitar. " Glassy glazed black with red strings and outlining of the guitar." Greg bends to the last shelf, and carries the guitar in his arms.
The camera catches the beauty and the exquisite features. " Delrose...My father named this beauty off my mother. They loved each other so bloody much, at times they'd forget about my existence, couldn't even be a tad bit arsed to fulfill my wants." Greg showed the little Clown Jar that contained the picks to the guitar. The camera zooms to the details of the violet and black picks. " When my mum and dad had their wedding, instead of having average rings. They exchanged guitars with a veil of blood wrapped around the neck of the guitar's. My dad had a black one, while my mom had this crystal virgin white one...I believe I have it stored somewhere." Greg opens a black floraled casket couch. " Aha! Here it is." He puts down the black guitar and carries the white one. The camera crew zooms into the guitar, to focus on the features. " My mother was a goth, she'd learned how to play her silly little songs, and played some of the songs she learned to me. My dad on the other hand was a metal head. He loved Black metal and its concepts of being so gruesome,and cruel. But he would never act upon those actions upon me or my mum."
Greg leads the camera crew to the lounge, where the other band members. Nathan, Danny and Joey were playing a video game. " So this is where the " magic " happens, there's Danny our Guitarist '' Danny waves behind him at the camera crew. " There's Joey our Bassist." Joey yells " AW BLOODY EL! Piss off Nathan!!" Joey scoffs. " Sorry mates ello i'm joey." Greg rolled his eyes as he nodded side to side. " And finally Nathan our drummer."ello i'm Nate, how are ya birds and blokes." The camera's pan to the band equipment. It consisted in black, spikey, bone structures. The drums weren't made normally by wood but from ceramically made bones. The Guitar was made with a skull as the body, while the remaining parts of the guitar remain like an average guitar. The bass looked the same as the guitar but in a blood looking red. The miccrophone's stand consisted of spikes and red splatters like blood.
" Our instrument designs are based on my dad's blueprint sketches. He wanted me to have a metal band, so he prepared as much as possible. My father loved me...But Depression loved him more... as the same with my mother..." Greg sighs and nods. " May you explain how you met these fellas, they seem really fun!" The interviewer asked, Greg nods " Ah yes these gits, i met Nathan and Joey in high school, around 9th grade. While I met Danny in middle school around the 7th grade. Thing is we aren't all just plain Black metal style. Nathan's a metalhead and emo. Joey is a metalhead and punk rocker so am I. And Danny is emo and their music consists of some metal but not to the extreme of death heh.." Nathan, Joey, and Danny stop the game and approach Greg standing next to Greg. " You all seem to get along so well, it is time to wrap up this lovely interview, see you next time on MTV House Tours UK."
The interviewer smiles, as the camera crew follows the interviewer out. " Greg sighs " finally, now mates let's go filch some chips eh?" Greg looks at the rest to get proper assurance. They nod and step out the house, kids and their parents stare them down, some even in shell shock looking at them. The way their faces are filled with piercings and arms filled with tattoos. Darkness seems to surround them. Before entering a small fast-food restaurant, Greg and Nathan

have their bags ready. They enter and the cashier is the only one working, the chips are laying out in a warm light, keeping the chips warm. But if someone requested a burger, the cashier would have to make it fresh. " ello, can I get an order of 4 burgers" Joey spoke, as Greg and Nathan snuck to the back stealing chips, as Joey and Danny stall the Cashier. " Would that be all for you?" The cashier spoke, looking at both Joey and Danny. " No mate, say what is the number 4, eh?" Danny tilts his head looking up at the menu above the cashier's head. " It's a combo of a chicken sandwich and crips" Greg and Nathan quietly pass through and go back to the " bathroom" to hide the bags. " Right, thank you mate, I'm ready to put my card in."
Danny pays the burgers off, as the cashier gives the receipt and walks to the grills. Danny and Joey sit at a table far from the cashier's view, as Greg and Nathan come and join them. " bloody hell, this twat didn't even bloody see us' ' Greg whispers as Nathan nods in agreement. Joey see's the cashier heading at the register with bags for their burgers, giving them a wave and smile. They exit the restaurants, while Greg and Nathan pull out the bags of free chips. " Oi Greg you should make a restaurant too eh? Like a burger shop like them, but include your qualities." Nathan speaks as he's stuffing his face with chips. " i agree mate, not just that we have to compete with the band '' kill ", we need to prove we are more intense, despite them sacrifin babies." Joey adds on. " Good ideas now shut ya mush" Greg rolls his eyes and takes out a spare cigarette in his pocket, and lights it. " Let's go back home, and plan this shop eh, before I have to go to work later, at the circus." They nod and walk home, as they start mapping out the burger shop's qualities.
They mapped out a clown based burger shop, the exterior would be funky clown colors, consisting in red, white, yellow, blue, green. The inside would consist in those colors as well, and have their own bands vinyl cd's hung up. They were currently an underground band, and wanted to compete to be a brutal black metal band, despite what happened in metal history about Mayhem. They want to beat the band " kill" since all they do is sacrifice babies. They want to do something big and life changing. People in this world of london are pretty brain dead, but not this crew, the people were like sheep. Following the leaders, despite things being risky and dangerous. Or maybe even these people didn't care much about their lives. " I think... the most gruesome thing to do.. Is cannibalism..." Joey was hesitant to even bring that subject up, despite it failing at times, in humanity. The rest of the members turn slowly at Joey with their eyes wide open. " JOEY ARE YOU BLOODY NUTS?!?!?" Danny shouts and stays in shock. " You are aware what cannibalism is correct..." Nathan added to Danny's concerns with Joey's suggestion. " Im extremely dad killed my mum and cooked her...I ate my bloody mum..." The crew's eyes widen, and their mouths start to hang open. " mate...that- i have no words but wouldn't we get caught?" Greg speaks, putting his facial expression back to neutral. " We need to plan that part out well then, I was thinkin, we buy ordinary meat supplies for the day's the health inspector comes, to inspect. This means we'll need to be on top of things, no bloody slackin off like gits. The easier we keep ourselves on top of the shop, well be able to get the inspector out of our bums." Joey says sternly while jotting this brainstorming down. " I see, well hopefully nothin goes wrong eh. Hmm Nathan see if there's any buildin's for rent uptown, that'll save us some

time, and we can see if it is in a good populated area." Nathan nods and get's on his laptop searching. " oi nate, make sure it's a weird buildin, if we are going to make human meat burgers we need a crematory to burn the bones, better said dispose of the bones. Nathan nodded again and continued to search. '' What type of people would we kill though?" Greg's head tilted. " Prosts, homeless, kids, babies, people the norm wouldn't care about." Greg nods his head in clarification. " what about the clothes and jewelry?" Danny asked " we get a furnace and burn their things in it. '' Both Danny and Greg nod their heads. " MATES! I found a place...a good one..." Nathan yelled in excitement.

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