Chapter V

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" You know what mate, did we even think of a name...for the restaurant." Said Greg as he'd begun to fire up the grill. " Oh I just put the name as " Klowny Burger Joe's." Said Joey, while he'd flip the " OPEN" sign over. A White mini car parked in front of the restaurant. Charlotte, stepped out and sighed. ".....Alexandria.." Sighed Charlotte as she'd look down at her wallet, Looking at the photo of her Wife.
    " Never believed I would have been a Widow...I really can't let this go...I need to figure out the case myself...I might as well...after the health inspection." Said Charlotte. As she'd fix her blouse. " lright' mates she's coming!" Said Danny as he'd jumped down from the chair's booth. As Charlotte entered, her eyes looked like a ferris wheel. Round and round and round they went. Colorful spots, polka dots in black, that resembled a mime. No category of clown was missed, Red table cloths, rainbow booths and a slight eerie sensation to the back of her neck. All the 6ft clown statues could do was stare with a vibrant smile. " smiling through the pain", as Greg would say.
Charlotte begins writing on her notepad, writing " Fun colors, good attraction spot, a bit scary ( good for halloween), looks clean," Thought Charlotte as she'd written her thoughts on the note pad. " Oiya, what can I serve for you today, lass! A sampler perhaps?" Said Joey as he'd looked at the register and back at Charlotte. " Yes please, I'd like one." Said Charlotte as she nodded. " Oi! Oi! One klownfured Sample!" Shouted Joey as he'd ring the bell two times. Charlotte sat down and stared out the window. " This isn't time for you and your sappy stories Charlotte...You need to discipline yourself to stop being such a bloody cry baby!" Said an unfamiliar voice of an old man. Charlotte turned behind her to see who it was,
    " right lass, here's the sample, hope you enjoy it!" Said Nathan as he'd set down the tray. Charlotte picked up her notepad and examined the physical features before tackling the internal features. " Clown faced burger? And a striped fry holder.....interesting, the clown face is compressed into the bun, it's pretty cute..." Charlotte wrote, as she'd put down the notepad, and grabbed a fry from the batch in the fry holder. " Hm! Pretty swell I say, tastes pretty seasoned. The fries are also nice and warm with a crunch like no other." Charlotte said, with a full mouth, grabbing the burger next and biting it. " Hm! This is amazing as well, I'm curious to see what's in the kitchen." Charlotte shook her head a little in approval and had gotten up from her table, packing the mini burger and fries up, and shoved it in her bag. " Lad's must I say the food is amazing, absolutely stunning. Now! May I see the Kitchen? That's the last step I need to take in order to confirm this place as safe and sanitary. Oh! The bathrooms as well." Said Charlotte as the boys nod in approval. Charlotte inspected the kitchen, nothing was wrong with it. The produce was good and in well condition, in fact all the food was. She'd make her way to the hall, where the bathroom was. Passing the crematory entrance, since it was hidden, like if it were to never exist. Entering the clown decorated bathrooms. A quick glance through the stalls, everything seemed clean.Oh the secrets Charlotte....Oh the secrets...
    Charlotte made her way to the boys, and handed them a paper with a 98.00 rating. " You boys have a stunning restaurant, must I say, 100 percent isn't theoretically, so I gave you a 98 percent." Said Charlotte preparing her bag, and mindfully letting out a big sigh, remembering what she needs to do. " Thank ya lass." Said Joey as he'd leaned on the counter. Charlotte sighed as she'd exit the restaurant, not ready to start the investigation. Charlotte got in her car and her tears began to overflow in her eyes. " Alexandria...I will figure this..out...I'll get the justice you deserve..." Said Charlotte as she'd start driving to the police station.
    " you have time...I don't want to make this a bother but I want to find some photos and or information of the case for 2001, january 3rd...?" Charlotte said as she'd trembled a bit. " No..sorry..lass...we have no clue about it, you seem a bit bonkers asking for something that happened years ago." Said the officer as he'd chuckle at Charlotte's response. Charlotte tried to keep composure, as she'd stormed out of the police station, getting back into her car and slamming the door. " hmmm, where would a murder take their actions...Aha! Perhaps an abandoned building..." Thought Charlotte as she'd drove to a nearby abandoned supermarket.
    " Maybe here I'll have a shot...maybe...." Mumbled Charlotte. She'd walk up to the market's door and walk through the shattered glass. It was uncomfortably silent....every foot step she'd take was heard. Her breathing was considered as loud as a crying baby. She'd walk to every corner of the store and checked the freezer's in the back. She'd find a camera, not just any camera, a camera that contained film spilling out of it. Charlotte grabbed the camera with caution, hence the smashed glass in the camera. She'd put it in a plastic baggy, and continued to look around. Charlotte walked out after seeing nothing related to the investigation. She'd trip over invision...
    Charlotte turned around to the item she tripped on. A hand....A hand that was lifeless, a hand that belonged to a living specimen. A hand she recognized....
    " Alexandria! " Shouted Charlotte as she'd held in a hurl, she looked up and saw bones and the decomposition cycle on Alexandria's body. Charlotte's eyes were glued wide, she could be described as a deer in headlights. She'd run to her car and drive to her house. Dying in desperation to see what was in the camera, to possibly see what isn't attractive to the human eye.
    As she'd reach home, scrambling around the cords in her cabinet. Plugining up the camera to her laptop.
    " Sweetheart....don't cry...You'll be I tell you..." Said a deep voice. The dog masked man, dressed in all black chuckled and slowly went over to Alexandria. Alexandria muffled and started to become restless, with her movements becoming as strong as wave currents. Sweating like a shower. Charlotte's hair rose, from all over her body, chills complementing it. " now...NOW YOU'LL BE FREE!" said the man paired with Alexandria's scream
    Charlotte shut the laptop closed. "....." Unable to speak Charlotte brings the camera with her outside, and smashes it with a hammer... .that's it...the case went cold...the investigation, consider it shut down...

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