Chapter VII

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" I...don't know what I can do...I...I dont think I can fall in love with someone else..." Said Charlotte as she'd fiddled her hands, talking with her therapist. " Charlotte...I understand...I see your point of need to move some steps to finding love again...yes it's easier said than done...but it is important to remember that." Said Charlotte's Therapist. Charlotte nodded as she'd stared out the window. She really loved Alexandria being a widow, and the amount of respect she had for their love. Alexandria never said anything about them seeing other people, she was aware that if they had to go separate ways that they would do so.    
    Charlotte drove to a mini cafe bar. She'd sit and stare out the window, remembering her times with Alexandria.   
    " Charlotte love...would you accompany mwah? On this tallest of finest of rides?!" Chuckled Alexandria, as she'd hold her hand out, awaiting Charlotte. " Yes of course my dear!" Chuckled Charlotte as she'd slip her hand into Alexandria's. They'd step into the coaster's line. Getting comfortable in their designated seats, when it became their turn.
    " Charlotte love? I can't get a hold of this mini game...I really want that plush penguin!" Said Alexandria, as she'd jumped eagerly. Charlotte nodded to Alexandria's request and gave it her best shot to fulfill her lover's request. " You got it!" Shouted Alexandria as she'd jump around. One last shot..Boom! Charlotte had won the plush penguin. " Thank you! Thank you! My love!" Screamed Alexandria, Accompanied by a smooch on Charlotte's cheek. Charlotte smiled softly, enjoying this time with her lover. Charlotte loved everything about her lover...everything....
    Charlotte shook her head as she'd wiped the river flowing heavily out her eyes. She'd get up and out the cafe. Going into the Clown Restaurant she did a health inspection on. " Is...Greg here..?" Charlotte asked. Danny and Nathan looked at each other confused and nodded yes. " May you call for him?...I wanna talk to him..." Said Charlotte. " Greg! A lass is here for ya!" Shouted Nathan, as he'd continue wiping down counters. Greg came up to the register and tilted his head at the slight of Charlotte, but shrugged it off.
    " spare?.." Said Charlotte as she'd fiddled her fingers. Greg nodded and signaled her to go outside in the outdoor diner area. " what's up lass? Whatcha been up to ?" Said Greg as he'd light up a cigarette. " I..I really miss Alexandria ... .today would have been our 5 year anniversary...have you ever loved someone ... .Greg...?" said Charlotte as she'd look at the sky. "...Yeah...I...i have...but...It wasn't as case..." Said Greg as he'd pull another drag of his cigarette. " It's not easy out here never know when people will leave the never know what will love...then lose...but at times your heart can still beat with your lover.." Added Greg. " hurts so bloody much...." Sniffled Charlotte. She'd rest her head on her arms and let the breeze comfort her. " ...I had a lover..who...loved me so dearly...but I felt like a waste of space to her...I told her to find someone better...someone...who is atleast a bit more mentally stable...then me. When I tell you lass...when I was younger..I was bloody nuts..." Said Greg as he'd look up to the clouds. " I see ... .yes...but..i just I have....i just..." Said Charlotte accompanied with a loud sigh. " Mate sometimes you just need to let it is hard to say...but hey...Alexandria wants to see you happy...and having love at times will make you happy. Just dont forget her..." Said Greg. "...Yeah...maybe I should...." Said Charlotte. " Grieving is one son of a gun I tell ya that, but hey we all have it.." Said Greg as he'd gotten up and walked away. Charlotte was alone again with her thoughts....
    Greg thought about what they'd talk about. This bothered him but he shrugged it off. He technically is in a relationship, despite it being only for business purposes. Greg sighed and thought to himself, love wasn't really part of his life. He lacked love, he didn't feel comfortable with love. He still wants to be the most deadliest Black Metal Band, and if his lover saw this plan, the betrayal of not knowing who Greg truly was. Sympathy was also a lack in Greg. But it's not important to him right now...only being the best Black Metal Band in their area.
    " aye mate ... .you up?" whispered Joey, as he'd tap on Greg. " Y...yeah mate...what's goin on?" Said Greg softly as he'd turn his head to Joey. " Mate...the Restaurant is bloomin, we finally implemented the other meat, and so far no one has noticed...But hey what's up with that lass out there..?" Said Joey. " Neat mate...very nice, and ah? The lass, she's nothin, I assume she thinks because I was there when she cried the first time I heard her speak. And I just told her how it is ya know.." Said Greg. " I see...yeah it isn't easy breakin up with a lover.." Said Joey. " No, No mate her lover died a brutal death...ay if I tell you this hopefully you don't say nothin.." Said Greg as he took a deep breath. Joey nodded as Greg spoke. " So...the way the lass's lover died...was by the man I buy the product from, yeah? And well...Turns out...It's her father...He ran away and decided to live the way he wanted to...leavin her and her mother alone." Said Greg. Joey's eyes widened and he was pen drop silent. " I know it's alot to take in yeah, but I don't have any sympathy for it...Murders will be Murders, nothing can change. Since it all starts by the roots of the environment, and based on the environment it leads onto parenting, well it depends on how the parent takes it." Said Greg as he'd take a glass and poured wine into it, for him and Joey. " I see....mate I know it isn't easy...and it is true about the facts about the way the brain takes things in." Said Joey as he'd taken a sip of his wine. " well...once we's whatever...or honestly if the our competition band quits. But hey...let's see what else their can be on this blood journey." Said Greg. " Well mate...i'll see yeah, im pretty tired..." Said Joey as he'd wash the wine glass and go to his room.
    Greg contemplated about what else to say to Charlotte. It is never easy to loose someone you love. No matter how severe the lost is. Maybe Greg could ask his mates on advice for this. But why even help Charlotte, he may just leave it like this. There's no point in helping a enemy, because she'd figure out what there doing, what their plan was. Not just that, Charlotte was getting pretty annoying with her cries and weeps and thinking that they'd sympathize with her.
    Greg walked up to his mates the next morning and leaned on the wall. " Mates...this one lass...keeps trying to bother us, about her dead lass. I'm thinking to leave it this way, I tried my best to tell her it isn't bad to be with someone else, especially if the lover wants them to be happy. Danny! You can help her out okay, she might come here to weep later." Said Greg.
    Danny tilts his head and nods. Considering Danny being the sweetest in the Band, he saw no problem helping someone out. But putting a boundary to his niceness. " Will do mate...will do!" Said Danny.
    Danny skipped down the block looking for Charlotte. Since Greg didn't leave her that late in time of her disperse. " Heya lass are you Charlotte?" Said Danny as he'd approach her. Charlotte turned to the voice and nodded slowly. " Hey..I've heard about your issue and I feel exactly how you feel. It really isn't easy to get over a lover you loved once. It is hard, but hey we need to keep living." Said Danny while he'd crack a little smile. " Understandable...and yeah I try to make people understand...It isn't easy...but thank you...and im sorry for your loss." Said Charlotte with a faint smile. " I'm here to talk, whenever you need it!" Said Danny as he'd walked away while waving.

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