Chapter III

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" Don't tip it over, it will cost me a fortune!" Said Greg, while he looked at Danny fiddling and adjusting the 6ft clown, cardboard cut out. " There we go all set!" Said Greg as he'd let down the " NOW OPENED" banner. " Bloody shame you'd need to go to Mr. Nightmare for his tips of murder eh?" Mocked Joey, Greg rolled his eyes in response.
    While walking around the city, Greg saw a flyer " COME ONE! COME ALL!" Obviously this intrigued Greg, since that is a circus saying. Greg examined the flyer, and recorded the location in his membrane. He ripped the flyer off and took it with him.
    " This must be it?...This doesn't look like no Bloody Circus to me, eh?" Said Greg shrugging off the fact that it's an abandoned Big Top, in the middle of nowhere, no service, no lively hood...nothing.... It looked murky, the tent was pretty stable but the lack of color was about it. There was also this blatant aroma, coming from the tent, as Greg got closer. Greg wended his way into the Big Top, man..was it a sight. There was a lot of expired bodies, like a butchery. Some hung up like Beef at a butcher. Greg continued to walk and lean a bit closer to see the damage done to the bodies.
    " Nice to see ya again Greg" Said Mr.Nightmare as he was butchering. " Hey...your one insane son of a gun I tell you that bruv..." Said Greg, astonished and having so many questions, to the point where it can not come out of his mouth, since it is overfilling his brain. " I knew you'd visit me, I know alot about you Greg McCoy" Smirked Mr.Nightmare, as he walked up to Greg, with a head in his hand and a knife in the other.
    " I...Damn...I may need your help....with my business.." Blured Greg, as he still looked around. " Need my help you say...what..will I get from helping you..and for what?" Said Mr.Nightmare. " I need...your butchery technique...your ways of killing people... I'm surprised you haven't been caught...that you're living as an average Joe...." Said Greg surprisingly. " Well...what will I get out of" Said Mr. Nightmare as he smirked awaiting Greg's response. "....Whatever you want...I want to make my Band the most Brutal and Deadly, Besides " Kill", Just because they sacrifice babies doesn't mean anythin " Said Greg in a bit of anger. " Date me luv...that's all I want" Mr.Nightmare smiled smugly. Greg's eyebrows furrowed and rose up.
    Greg was an asexual, He didn't find any sexual attraction to any gender. But if he had to throw it away, just for a Bands success, for his parents, he'd have to do it. " Okay..." Stated Greg bluntly. Mr.Nightmare exploded with thrilling sensation, hearing these words was like hearing you're getting a raise at work. " love" Mr. Nightmare winked at Greg and planted a kiss on his cheek.
    " Now...let me let you in on my key to killing and running a Butchery, surely since you're mine now, I can just provide you the Meat. Anyways not to get Bloody sidetracked, You need to find an area that's secluded and I mean Secluded how I have it here.You'll also need to know who to kill, you can't just go killing people..darlin.. You need to come after people, the norm do care about." Said Mr. Nightmare as he took off his blood filled apron. " Let's go to my flat eh?" Said Mr.Nightmare as he grabbed Greg's hand and walked him to his car.
    Greg watched the sky as Mr.Nightmare drove. Greg thought to himself, why'd he committed. He remembered he really didn't have any self respect for himself, that he didn't really care much about his life. " So my darlin...why murder? Why even consider being brutal? Making your Band on top?" Said Mr.Nightmare as he continued to focus on driving. " It's..for my parents...I don't really respect myself...I don't deserve it ya know...I don't...I just...I want people to know I mean business, Sometimes you don't need sappy little songs to fulfill fan's wishes. If people can believe in the Devil and get fascinated in murderers, hell even fall in love with murderers." Examined Greg as he continued to look out the window.
" I're like me growing up...when I was 13.. I loved and still do love death...I never thought it was something to be afraid of, It's just the cycle of life ya know. I used to kill animals and examine their bones, I learned so much about the animal body as well as the Human body." Said Mr.Nightmare, as he pulled into his garage.
They entered in Mr. Nightmare's house, It looked as if Dracula had a mansion. Red and black furniture. And what looks like two pairs of fifteen staircases, set in a " U" shape, that leads to the second floor of the house.
"'d you get a wicked place like this?! Do you have any other jobs?" Said Greg as he examined the vampire-looking furniture. " I work as a crime scene cleaner." Said Mr.Nightmare as he sat on his living room couch. Mr.Nightmare patted the spot next to him, signaling to Greg to sit with him. Greg sat next to Mr.Nightmare and sat in an awkward silence until he or Mr.Nightmare broke the silence. " So, let me tell you this..I want some pay, for the work I'll be doing. Human flesh tends to have an appalling stench to it, and with the right things, It can go away." Said Mr.Nightmare as he winked. " I see, hmm I could possibly pay you by cash? I know you still want to be hidden, so a check wouldn't help." Said Greg tilting his head. " Correct...even the little things can link to something big, and I'd probably be sent to the electric chair in a heartbeat." Said Mr.Nightmare giving a slight chuckle. " Alright sounds like a Deal, thank you...Also? Could I possibly ask if you go by another name? Why is it Mr.Nightmare?" Said Greg as he looked out the window and quickly glanced at Mr.Nightmare." real name is...,.Mark Malone, I hide my name for obvious reasons because I can get imprisoned even bloody killed." Said Mr.NIghtmare, as he took out a cigarette and lit it up. Greg opened the window, without command. " Bloody el, But yep that's the life of a mass murderer no? You can't trust anyone, and can't hire people to do your job. Besides you, my " Business" Is to sell human bones, on a market that people don't find to the common eye.." Said Mr.Nightmare, as he tapped his cigarette on the side of the ashtray. Greg nodded and took a cigarette from one of Mr.Nightmare's packs. He'd light up the cigarette and curl into a ball on the couch. " daughter's name is Charlotte....I left her and her mum...because I hated being chained down...I did fall in love with her mum but...I never and will never have the right mentality to have a child..." Said Mr.Nightmare as he inhaled his cigarette. " Y...YOUR....CHARLOTTE"S FATHER?!" Said Greg as his eyes widened.
" yes...I am...she doesn't know what I look like...I left her at 2 years of age..." Said Mr. Nightmare.
Greg's eyes remained enlarged as he put the pieces together, Charlotte was the crazy lass screaming about her wife's murder, and the one who craved revenge. " Your...daughter...she really got upset...about you killing..." Greg paused, then shrugged it off. "I'm aware...I don't care much...I know why, how, what I do...I don't need a pest in my way. I know what I want and need. I KNOW who I am...And what I'm capable of.." Mr.Nightmare Shouted. Greg frowned a bit, he had a decent connection with his parents, despite their huge departure. But He knew what was right and what was wrong. Mr.Nightmare leaving his daughter to fulfill his deadly pleasures, was awful. "'d you marry your wife then? And now dating me?" Said Greg. Mr.Nightmare shifted closer to Greg and rested his head on Greg's shoulder. " My parents....weren't good to me...They abused me as much as a game...You know everything that acts outrageous, has one iceberg of a trauma..." Said Mr.Nightmare, as he snuggled Greg's shoulder a bit.

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