Chapter IV

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" This is going to be one hefty task...I need to get the restaurant ready" Said Greg as he'd unlocked the bathroom doors. " Did you cover up the linin of the crematory entrance?" Shouted Greg as he'd fix up the table clothes. " Yeah mate, it's fully concealed." Said Danny as he'd dusted himself off. " Alright mates! I brought the meat produce, i'm pretty sure they are etiquette for the health inspection later at 2:30pm." Stated Joey as he'd place down the boxes of meat produce in the freezer room. " are ya nervous Greg? The last time we saw Charlotte she went bloody bonkers." Said Joey. Greg looked around, glancing at the restaurants decor. Stripes everywhere and colorful, dots at the bottom half of the wall. " alright mates, which one of ya can cook?" Said Greg as he'd turn to look at his mates. They all had a blank face and nodded " no " slowly. " Bloody ell! Why do none of ya know how to cook!...I'll train one of ya's, because I'd need to focus on the more important things about the restaurant, like managing it, and dealing with gits! But hopefully that isn't the case, at least this early into the restaurant." Said Greg as he watched Nathan bring in the other complimentary foods to the freezer.
    As Greg wrote on the menu board with chalk, it read " Killer Clowny Burgers, five dollars, killer Clowny Burger Meal fifteen dollars, Finger Fries, three dollars, Silly Funnel cake, ten dollars, Big Top Meal, five dollars." As Greg hung up the menu, he'd dust his hands off, removing the excess chalk on his hands. " Oh! Now I see how to make a burger mate, better sayin now I know how to use a Fryer." Said Nathan as he'd watch a video of a fast food worker using a deep fryer. " You must be a bloody git, It isn't that hard mate.." Said Greg as he'd nod his head, crossing his arms. " Ill be back mates, keep this place stable, dont burn it down." Said Greg as he'd walk out the restaurant and head to Mr.Nightmare.
    The wind started to become a bit more hostile as Greg approached Mr.Nightmare's Big Top. " W..what?" Questioned Greg, seeing that the area was clear as day. There was no sight of the Big Top anywhere around the area. A van started to pull behind Greg. As the Black hooded figure get's out, he reaches for Greg's mouth and nose with a cloth. Greg shouldered the Black Hooded figure, and took out his pocket knife. " Bloody ell! Who are ya!?" Said Greg as he held the pocket knife firmer. The Black Hooded Figure spoke in a deep toned voice. " I shall not disclose that, come with me, Ill show you where Mr.Nightmare Creeps."
    Greg Shrugged and Nodded, He was only half consumed by misery, not fully. Greg didn't care for consequences. Hence him being an Anarchist, he'd never respect Authority nor laws. Greg's not lonely, not weird, not special. He's a misunderstood Columbine that has grown with a lot of stepping onto. Because even after being stepped on, the flower in him continued to grow. Greg looked out the window of the van, speaking to himself in his mind. Is he really sensitive under all that black venomed bloodstream, or has he started to see the light in life. "...what...have..I...done...wrong.." Mumbled Greg as he'd fiddle his hands overthinking as usual. Overthinking to the point it's comforting to the anxiety that courses through his veins. Taunt taunt taunt is the whispering he hears constantly. Battles that are silent, that leave him lonely, that over power him at times. There is no "help" for it, it's home....welcome home Greg...
    As the van made a stop. There it was Mr.Nightmares Big Top. As Greg closed the door of the van. He'd start walking up to the Big Top, and entering. Mr. Nightmare walked up to Greg, and hugged him. " Nightmare...why'd ya move locations?" Tilted Greg's head in question. " was about to be discovered! There's some human's in this world, who love to....snoop! Around, either they think it's a trend, or they think it's " cool". But there's nothing cool about exploring death, it's something everyone will see, and experience. It varies on how death comes to surprise you." Said Mr. Nightmare, as he'd put take off his apron. " shall we? I have Coffee at my flat." Said Mr. Nightmare while taking the hand of Greg. Greg nods and gave a small smile.
    While they entered Mr. Nightmare's Flat. " Take a seat, be comfortable. Update me on your situation about the Restaurant." Said Mr. Nightmare as he walked, brining the tea. " Well, it actually looks good, I'm not much nervous about the inspection since we got real produce for now. We cleaned the as much as it possibly can be cleaned. The git's didn't know how to use a deep fryer, could ya believe that..." Said Greg, as hed hold the cup of coffee Mr. Nightmare gave him. " I see, well this might be a smooth sail for you then love." Said Mr.Nightmare as he took a sip from his coffee mug. " I just..hope...I can make it through..not get caught...intill the day me and my mates..die...Black metal isnt a game...and so is having the mindset of competition..of course nothing is easy in this world, nothing is fair...thats why this world is classified as cruel. There's only benefits to this world if you grow the benefits out, if you see reasons. Seeking is something that isn't easy, but falling down is always easy, staying put is easy. It really shouldn't be that way.." Said Greg as he'd stare at the mug in his hands. " Greg, do blabber mouth do have a lot of opinions that you store away. You dont need to keep them contained...It'll just turn into a cycle of cluster, you'd never be able to feel a silent mind ever again...Greg..."
    Greg felt relief, but his mind couldn't stop running. It was like a broken vinyl player. Spinning, Spinning, Spinning, it never seems to slow down nor speed up. It continues and doesn't have a stop to it. Greg wasn't insecure about the inspection, he just wanted to live his dream. His dream for his band to become the most Brutal they can be. Getting caught isn't something he'd want. Greg found this as a way for his father to be proud of him.
    " Do you father...would have been proud, Nightmare...?" Greg mumbled as he'd tapped on the mug. " Greg...both your mother and father would be proud of a father who abandoned their child, and have no remorse...I can't say that I'm not a tad bit proud of Charlotte handling my departure well...." Said Mr. Nightmare as he'd light up a cigarette, while Greg nodded as he watched the clouds cry.

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