Chapter VIII

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" something about this place makes me feel odd..." Said Oliver, a Teen who came with his other two friends, to Greg's Restaurant. " We definitely need to check this bloody place out...something eerie hides!" Said Josh. " I agree," Nodded Amy. The three teens broke into the restaurant, wanting to prove that they can investigate like bosses. " Hmmm...something seems really off..." Said Oliver feeling the walls, because of the lack of light. " Ah! Oops sorry guys the clown statue scared me..." Said Amy as she'd touched the Clown statue. " Bruv's I know you guys would want to see this..." Josh said as he'd crack the paint of the Crematory's entrance.
    They'd go down into the crematory, carefully stepping foot. " Produce...? In a crematory?...You mates don't think what I am thinking no ...." Said Oliver as he'd touch the boxes of produce, reading the labels. " We....might meat..." Said Josh as he'd opened the box. " I wonder what it would taste like...?" Asked Amy. Oliver and Josh turned with widened eyes. Giving a concerned look at Amy for even suggesting such thought. " What..I know im not the only one wondering..." Amy said as she'd chuckle a little. " Take a photo Oliver...This will gold!" Said josh as he'd watched Oliver take pictures of evidence.
    As the teens where distracted, A man in a all black suit covered head to toe. Even his face was covered hit the Teens with a Bat. It went all Black for them...
    The man called for backup and they'd taken the Teens out, stuffing them in a van. The other group of men hypnotized the Teen's parents and the Teen's. Making them forget that they even had kids in the first place and making the Teen's forget they even figured out the truth. This was what Mr. Nightmare meant tackling dirty work. The men broke the cameras and took the Teen's to a playground leaving them on the floor and fleeing as fast as they could. " Stupid kids...Teh...thinking they can be investigators to this restaurant..." Scoffed Mr.Nightmare as he'd watch the camera's. " Zodiac 1 patch up the crematory's entrance...we shall not let people figure out the truth...." Said Mr. Nightmare in the walkie talkie.
    Nightmare's men did just that, trying their best to patch up the crematory's entrance and adding a medium clown picture covering it. " Message Greg about this situation as well, and patch up their window, those bloody kids broke..." Said Mr. Nightmare. As the first group of men patched up the restaurant, while the second group of men went to Greg's flat.
    A loud knock appears at the door of Greg's flat, as Greg opened the door he looked at the men and tilted his head. " Greg..It has came to the conclusion that your restaurant...was broken into...but not for money! It was three teens who discovered your scheme...Not to worry! Mr. Nightmare had hypnotized them and they can't remember a bloody thing they did recently." Said one of the men. Greg's eyes widen, he grew furious. He would except Charlotte to figure something out, but she was too busy weeping about her dead lover. " Bloody kids..." Snarled Greg. " No worries we got it under control. Luckily Mr. Nightmare has it under control..he had a camera in one of the clown statues in the inside, and I assume the teens didn't see it!" Said one of the men. Greg let out a sigh of relief, giving them a thumbs up as they left.
    Getting caught this early would mess up their legacy. Their legacy of murder...their legacy of being the most brutalist metal band. " blood ell.. Man..." Sighed Greg as he'd walk up to the others. " Mates...we were about to be discovered...not because we did a bad job at covering...It's because some bloody teens wanted to pursue their investigation ... hell with them..." Said Greg, attempting to contain his anger. All of their eyes widened as they'd look at each other. Thinking about another plan in case the teens were bound to do it again. " I think we should add a building at the arcade..It would make them focus on the bigger not the smaller." Said Danny. " I agree with Danny but let's make it like a halloween contraction, where it scares the bloody ell out of them." Said Joey. " I agree " Added Greg, as he'd start to call up Mr.Nightmare.
    " Nightmare..we thought of an arcade at the top of our restaurant. Listen to my reasoning, I say we need a distraction in incase of these teens coming back to do another " investigation"." Said Greg, as he'd play with the cord of the phone.
    " I see..ah yes, ill tell my men, to start working on it...It'll be done by tonight. Just like I don't like to wait, I assume you don't like to wait either..." Said Mr. Nightmare as he'd signal his men to get to work. " lright mates, were good! Nightmare's men are in the making." Said Greg as he put his shoes on ready to go somewhere.
    " where ya going mate?" asked Nathan as he'd run up to Greg. " Eh nowhere special, maybe to a bar honestly. One drink wouldn't hurt eh?" Said Greg, as he'd put his hands into his pockets. Nathan looked a tad bit concerned but shrugged it off, and really did think, one drink wouldn't hurt either. But they where wrong ...They had drunk around five bottles till the night, no remorse. Not a care in the world. Only for right now would they both be in peace...
    " I found this pretty scary place to eat at!" Said Oliver to both of his friends. They'd walk up to Greg's restaurant. Not a clue in what they discovered last time. " Woah! Is that an arcade! What a sight.." Said Josh as he'd run up the stairs to see what the arcade was all about. Happily it worked, it worked like a cheese in a mouse trap. The mouse was caught, and the truth couldn't be discovered. Greg and his crew started off infusing human meat with the original burger beef they had. No one...No one...seemed to notice, no one seemed to taste a difference, no one seemed to taste any difference.
    If they kept this plan and method continuing they'd be able to fulfill their legacy, and after they die they'd be able to expose what they did to the world.
    Happily since they are working with Mr. Nightmare they'd got out of the " early discovery" very easily. " git teens..." Scoffed Greg as he'd clean off the grill, ending the night with yet the actual success of their restaurant. He had to remember that he was also a band, that he needed to also write a new album and the music that goes with it. We are successful, I cant doubt that.

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