I'll see what I can do ☆

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• There may be spelling errors, bad grammar. I usually forget to reread and edit, so my apologies if you see any of those.

Thank you for reading 💛

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

Sitting straight up in your bed, you stared ahead blankly.

So..this thing was serious about you staying with him? You didn't think it was even possible, at the moment Kinito asked if you would stay with him. He's a virtual assistant. However, with..recent incidents involving the armless little..thing, you may have made the wrong call.

Something pink was caught by your eye, so you looked down at the spot where it was. And there was he was, the one who proclaimed themselves as your best friend.


At the end of the bed, by your feet he sat, his stick man legs criss crossed. By the slight squint of his eyes, you were sure he would be smiling if he could.

"Nice to see you awake! Did you rest well?"

His voice still sounded the same, words pronounced in a way you could tell he was Ai. Which leads you back to wondering how the hell he even actually managed to drag you here. Into this world. This digital one he made specially for you.

"Uh..yeah, I did. Thanks.." How'd you know you slept well? You slept.

With the crap Kinito has been pulling, you were too nervous to sleep. But now that you did, supposed the bed was good.

"That's good to hear, with the change of surroundings its just what you need!" With a jump off your bed, which was noticeably comical may I add, Kinito landed on his feet. The shape reminded you of a ducks feet, but you didn't ponder on that, attention grabbed by the gloved hand outstretched your way.

"Now, may I show you around?" Kinito asked, his hand still offered to you. The corner of your lips slightly downturns, but you nodded and accepted his hand, allowing him to help you lift off the bed.

After showing you around, showing you your new home here with himself, Kinito brought you back into the dining space. One thing you didn't find pleasant there was the mannequin looking things at the table.

Suddenly a plate was sat infront of you by your best friend, who happily then took the empty seat besides you. That's when you remembered another detail, the food. It was your favorite, the one you would now be eating forever..

"There you go, your favorite!-"

"Yeah, I remember telling you this. But..you asked if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life..and I picked this."

Kinito happily responded, "Correct!"

"Okay..but was that for real? Is this what I'm gonna eat for the rest of my life?" You asked, fork poking at your favorite delectable treat.

"Yes. Though now that I properly think about it, that does sound like it could get old, doesn't it?" Kinito said, watching as you took a fork full of your food into your mouth. While you chewed, he continued,

"Well, I'll just see what I can do about that! For you, I'll always do my best!" The desktop buddy chirped with a happy tone, beneath the table his feet tapped. You gave a nod, swallowing and wiping away any crumbs at your mouth with your sleeve.

"Good, because if I had to eat only this for the rest of my life, I'd probably eat you in the future. I've always liked seafood.."

"Oh! Then uh...I'll definitely see what I can do about that."

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