I could help you ☆

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• There may be spelling errors, bad grammar. I usually forget to reread and edit, so my apologies if you see any of those.

Not extremely proud of this one, but it was a silly idea in my mind I decided to jot down Ü

Thank you for reading 💛

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

You panicking, and badly.

This desktop buddy was far from being a buddy to you. It was a mistake you'd genuinely do anything to go back in time a change.

Your hands gripped onto your hair in a painful tug, your wide eyes stared into the soulless eyes of that stupid, little sea creature, Kinito.

You haven't been getting sleep, your eyes were tired and wanting to just droop shut. You finally released your hand, hands falling to your desktop with a thump.

Kinito very well could see in what condition you were in, and it made you want to sob by how easily he could see you. Ever since he asked to see your face and got what he wanted despite your no, it's been quite clear he can see you.

When you left for a breather it upset him, and it scared you eith how eerily he acted. So you made sure not to make that mistake again.

"You know, you really don't look the best." The text-to-speech voice spoke in a soft tone, you almost scowled. It was because of Kinito you looked so awful. If you could you would reach through that screen and flick him. He's so small flicking would do a lot, you thought.

"I could fix that! I know just how to make you feel better, and I could help you feel better." You glowered, frowning and staring on at the monitor with a tired glare. Kinito continued speaking, riding on his leaf to the center of your screen.

"I know just the way to. And it's a very simple solution to your problem! Are you ready for it?" He asked, stopping his ride. The leaf vanished, a text box instead appearing besides him; Will you stay with me?

"Stay with me."

That woke you up, certainly. Your eyes snapped open at the offer, a familiar feeling of fear beginning to bloom in your gut.

"You can end this. I know how scared you're feeling, I can see it..and if you were here with me I'm sure I could even sense it." You didn't like what he was saying, and shook your head at his words. And in a last desperate attempt you tried tapping him with your mouse. But the only thing you got in response was his right eye twitching.

"Think about it. If you were here with me, I could help you. I could comfort you in a way only your true best friend could."

You stared at the screen with a near shocked expression. Too tired to really express further. This offer shocked you, confused you, and made you wanna gouge out your eyes.

A time machine would really do you good right now.

But you also figured this should be simple right? Just press no. No...did you really want to press no though?

Yes, you want to press no. Pressing your lips together, your hand moved the computer mouse over the 'No' option. Without another beat to miss, you clicked.

If only you knew if wasn't as simple as pressing no.

Sadly, nothing with Kinito was as simple as pressing no.

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