I could be perfect too... ☆

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• I think you get it now, there may be a few spelling errors or grammar mistakes.

I messed up- I called the surfboard a leaf last chapter. Didn't mean to! My bad,

I was wondering what'd I do after accepting Kinito's offer. Cause I'm almost 80% sure I might. So this is inspired by that thought- I wrote this with the idea in mind that when Kinito brings you into the virtual world you have code to you as well now.

Thank you for reading 💛

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

The mirror reflected what you'd expect.


You despised that reflection.

Everytime you looked at it, thought about it, you scowled. A number of flaws listed off in your mind twisted your once curious mood into a sour one that your expression, well, expressed.

Kinito, who was standing in the doorway and watching you "admire" yourself wondered why you suddenly gave a look so hateful. His head tilted slightly, his soulless looking eyes blinking with newly sparked curiosity.

"What has you so upset? You didn't seem that way just a second ago." You didn't respond, instead flashing your reflection one more glare. Stepping out of the bathroom, Kinito followed right behind on his stick legs.

"How about we go sit at the fountain for a minute, it'd be a nice place to talk." After proposing that, both you and the axolotl exited the house, heading for that same stone fountain that oddly glitched out when Kinito first showed you this place.

This time there was no reaction to you getting close to it. At the ledge of the fountain, Kinito took a seat, his hands appeared at his sides, holding onto the edge.

After you'd sat besides Kinito, he turned a bit to face you better as you began to speak.

"All right, now about that talk..I wanted to ask you something."

"Of course, friend! What do you have on your mind?" Taking that as the que to continue, you gave a nod and began speaking. "Well now that I'm here, in this digital world I guess," You motioned to your surroundings, to the nature.

"This is all like, code right? You said you could generate adventures, a new world if I got bored with the old one." You looked down at Kinito for a respone. He looked back, his black pupils eerily staring into your eyes.

"Uhh..are you gonna keep staring or-"


"Yes to my question or yes you're going to keep staring-"

You squinted at the pink thing, frowning deeply at the lack of clarification. Yeah, you didn't get any which made you a bit skeptical. But now you could only assume yes, everything has code behind it here.

"All right, and you said by doing- whatever I stupidly did, you could become the perfect best friend.." Following your train of thought, or so he thinks, Kinito nodded, "I did say that! But what about it? Is there something you'd like to share with me?"

"Yes!" You jumped up, startling your friend besides you and making him jolt back as you leapt from your spot. Standing in front of Kinito, you had your hands to your chest, "So that means I am code as well right?!" Something didn't feel right.

Asking a question like that so optimistically...

"Yes?" It was almost funny, how you had managed to make him sound so uncertain. There was a hesitation you'd gone without catching, too caught up in the fact you were in fact now also a clump of code. That means you could be edited. You could be edited, fixed, per say.

A grin crept onto your face. The way you looked on, staring right at Kinito with a strange look of fascination..or was it excitement? He couldn't tell anymore, just feeling some sort of mix of confusion and concern.

"So, you're 'Perfect'...does that mean I could be too?"

Despite there not being much other than his eyes to express himself with, you watched his expression drop at that question. What was that supposed supposed mean?

"I could almost be like a avatar in a game, I could be edited- you could help me fix me into the way I want to look! I could be perfect." You said, taking step closer to Kinito. He would've leaned back, because somehow now it was you making him feel unsettled. Swiftly, you reached down and held his glove hands in your own.

Deep inside, Kinito felt a strange type of feeling reside. The way you held onto his hands, the way you held them so close to you in a cherishful hold..but he said nothing.

"Cmon Kinito, please?" You pleaded, the grin stretched across your lips a bit more. Eyes squinting with the large grin, it added onto that pleadful look.

"I could be perfect too...I could be perfect just like you."

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

Wow, that was kinda long.

Kinito x reader stuff Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora