Distraction ☆

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

This is a bit modern, but the thing is the child accidentally downloaded Kinito long ago because let's face it!; Kids are fucking stupid ^^

Child! Reader, they are about maybe 6-8, whichever. Might make a part two, ending is rushed.

Thank you for reading 💛

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"But mommy, I-"

"Not right now, Y/n. I just got back from work and your father just left for work. I have a headache. Please, just leave mommy alone for a little bit." Y/n's mother ushered their young self away, then walked past with a irritated stride.

A word choked out from their throat, but they tried speaking up about a question despite what their mother had just asked of them. "B-But what do I do? Mommy, I'm hungry-" instead of getting a response relevant to what they said, the hungry child got a huff from their mother, "Y/n. I just said leave me alone. Go play on your tablet."

With that, the child frowned and watched as their irritated mother opened a door to her and her husband's shared room before going through and slamming the door shut.

It was early in the morning, about 6. The sun wasn't even out yet, and additionally; it's a weekend. But having to wake up early for school during weekdays caused the early rising. It was natural they'd be hungry too, usually awaking at this time and eating.

The tablet...

The child scowled in distaste, looking up at a stool at their right by the island table in the kitchen. The powered off electronic sat on the cushion of that stool, being glared up at by Y/n.

The answer was always the tablet, and the child grew tired of that response.

After giving the device a glare, the little one stomped off to their room angrily. With a empty stomach and now a sullen and angry mood.

Y/n got into their room, climbing onto their bed and sitting on it with crossed legs and a slumped back. They felt sad, and hungry. What a bad mix. But as they thought and thought, the sadness worsened. As Y/n realized just how lonely they felt.

Mommy always came home tired and angry, mommy felt lonely too. When Daddy came home mommy left for work, but when she returned he'd already gone to work. Daddy always came home tired and would fall asleep almost as soon as he sat down on the couch.

At least he would let Y/n lay with him, though.

But, is it loneliness if they have that one friend here? Or is it really that they just want to spend time with their parents?

Sniffles began filling the silence of the child's room, before forming into hushed cries. They'd learned, any loud crying would get their mother upset and she'll yell. She has a short temper.

The desk, with different coloring supplies and silly stickers and trinkets, suddenly had a little humming come from it. That reminded young Y/n of the presence of their computer. Why such a young kid has their own computer? Another attempt from the mother at keeping the kid off her back.

With a teary glance at the off computer, Y/n decided it was time to say hi to their pink friend. He was always nice, and far more entertaining than that tablet.

Maybe Kinito would make them feel better.

Smiling at the idea, Y/n slid off their bed and it creaked under the weight coming off. Inside the computer, a certain axolotl buddy could (somehow) very well sense the pitter patter of little footsteps coming near. That's how he knew that his little friend was coming to spend time with him.

After sitting down at their desk (which was a bit too "grown up" for them), Y/n clicked at some of the letter keys on the keyboard. That was enough for the computer to hum and come to life, the screen lighting up.

The child smiled at their background before putting a finger on the mouse pad, moving the mouse to the pink egg icon and clicking many, many more times than necessary.

Y/n smiled at the screen, wiping away a few stray tears that remained on their face. Kinito appeared in a jiffy, in the center of the screen and pulling up on his mock leaf surfboard before carefully coming to a stop.

"Why, hello there agian!" He greeted. To the way his text-to-speech voice always sounded so..boxy, as little Y/n would describe it, made them smile. The "boxy" voice was very cool.

"Hi, Kinito!" Y/n did a wave with their little hand, making the computer buddy shut his eyes happily. Not that he could really see them, they were too short for the computers camera to see. But he could see the tips of their fingers as they waved, it was cute.

The ai laughed, "Hello, Y/n! I'm very happy you finally came to visit today, I have some very fun activities planned out for you to partake in!" Moving to the side, Kinito surfed on some invisible waves of air and stopped at the side of the screen,

"Okay," he raised a hand, beneath the desk Y/n kicked their little legs in excitement, watching with eager eyes. "First activity of the day!;"

And with that, Kinito started the fun activities. Nicely enough, it was enough to distract the little one from their hunger until their father came home and tiredly made them something to eat.

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