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JackNJellify has made an array of different games based on his series BFDI and BFB, but I had recently gotten my hands on one nobody had heard of, based around the Equation Playground with a group of characters known as Algebraliens. It appeared to be geared towards a younger audience, and had an educational undertone. Someone had reached out to me on social media with the only existing port of it. While most of it was able to be ported successfully to a state where it was able to function, some assets and code inevitably got corrupted. Nonetheless, I did want to check it out myself. Microsoft reported a virus, but of course, my computer did that with most files for games I've tried downloading for an array of reasons, and this didn't appear to be any different.

Eventually I was able to open it, but the game had no title card or menus. It threw you straight in. The most notable thing about the game is while the backgrounds were a bit screwed up, all of the characters seemed fully rigged and animated properly, only a select few like Nine, Seven, and One being a bit buggy. The game's function was rather similar, so I'll make an example of one thing I saw. So the game takes place at one of the seesaws in the playground, and there will be a few symbols, typically a multiplication or division sign, though plus and minus signs were also displayed. At the end would be an equal sign, unless it was a greater than or less than symbol. For example, the first equation I was given was 3X + ____ = 12. So you would go in and figure out a solution. It was simple algebra, and while the answers were off at times due to scrambled coding for the most part. But things got... really weird.

Before I explain my dilemma, as it is serious despite posting it like this, don't ask me for the files to the game. They've been completely wiped from the internet. I don't want anyone else to go through this, and I know that sounds silly now, considering it's an unfinished game about sentient numbers, but now that you've heard me out, I'll continue. I got some greater than or less than problems. This is where things got janky. Usually the game would only give you two different numbers to work with, so it should've been easy. But it wasn't. At all.

I was given Three and Two for the first time. 3>2, right? Wrong. The game had it mixed up, so of course, I obliged. There were a few more, before again, Two showed up again, staring back at me from the screen, while his friend Six was rolling around in the grass. Yet again, Six was not greater than Two, according to the game. But not even a minute later did I get another question involving Two. The game eventually bugged, giving me a bunch of numbers and variables to work with, and so, I put nearly all of them on the greater than sign. It looked a bit like...
10x3479681114y13150Z > ___. I tried putting Two down once more, but there were so many numbers on the other side that it overloaded and crashed the application. This is where I made a mistake. I didn't know it'd affect me, truly. I opened the game again.

The game was in worse condition after crashing. A black background and the seesaw remained. But it got worse. Almost all of the algebraliens. They'd been replaced by photos of people in my files. People I knew. But one stood out. Two. He still stared back. Smiling. Despite having the same expression I could almost feel the malice behind it. Yet another greater than equation. I kept telling myself it was all fake, and probably coded in but... The way it had chosen the photos most important to me was... freaking me out. I kept trying to put the green number on the lesser side, but it wouldn't allow me. I tried closing the game, but it kept opening itself, and eventually, the keybinds were entirely disabled, and forced itself into fullscreen. Turning the computer off wouldn't work either. It'd prepared for this.

I don't know why I didn't close it earlier. My mouse that was hooked up to my keyboard started moving on its own. I unplugged it, but not before Two had successfully managed to get on the greater than side of the seesaw. I was relieved afterward, only to feel my heart drop as the cursor continued to move on its own. I plugged the mouse back in, practically wrestling with it. There was a jolt of electricity and I pulled back, staring in disbelief at the burn on my hand. I immediately reached back with the unscathed hand but it was already too late. A photo had already been placed on the lesser side the moment I looked up. Suddenly my phone made this horrendous noise from the other room, I jolted, startled, running outside the room after noticing the number smiling at me from behind the screen. I grasped the screeching device in my hand, it was also blowing up with spam messages from one of my best friends, who's name I will not disclose.

I tried calling them, but when it picked up, it was nothing but more horrendous noises. Like someone gasping for breath. It didn't sound underwater or anything, but they sounded like they were choking. I hung up and immediately called 911, and ran back to my room. My computer was completely fried somehow. The screen was busted, the wires looked as if they'd been torn out, laying across my desk, a melted mess of plastic and conductive metals. Eventually the police did arrive. My friend thankfully survived the attack, whatever it was. He said he never saw who did it, only that he felt hands around his neck until the authorities came. The computer was collected and completely destroyed. I've been having sleep paralysis for a week now after the incident. I can see him outside my window sometimes. Smiling at what he accomplished. It usually never lasts long, I'll pass out after an hour.

I'm not writing this to blame Micheal or Carry for anything. Don't attack them for something they didn't directly cause. I'm writing this not only for a police report, but to get this off of my chest. I hope I won't have to give any updates on this matter. Please stay safe, and don't download anything random on the internet.





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