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Please give us your name for the investigation.

Smith..., _____ Smith.

What happened?


The attack, Smith. Did you see who did it.

No Ma'am. I was... Sitting on the couch in my living room when I decided I really wanted to call Alex... It was like.. A gut feeling.

And then what happened?

Well naturally, I uh... walked to the kitchen, where my phone was, but as soon as I picked up I felt like... these hands grab me. I could barely breathe- I uh... ended up dropping my phone...

...Alright. Your friend Alexander said that you had made odd noises when he had heard you on the other end. Were you choking?

Yes, yes I was, officer. But it wasn't just me.


The... Attacker. Yeah. They were also... making noise. Breathing pretty heavily, but nothing more...

I assume they caused those nasty bruises. Did you see what the attacker looked like at all?

No, officer. I was lightheaded and my vision was blurry. When you guys showed up at my place, I had been let go but I barely got the chance to make out what they looked like... taller than anybody else I'd seen I think.. Hadn't seen... an object quite like them. Let alone been attacked... I'm not one to get into fights...

Tall... Any other features that stood out?

Their limbs were odd, ma'am. More defined hands... I was scared I'd get cut.

Thank you for the input, Smith. Do you know where the perpetrator could have gone?

I think I saw it exit through the window, Ma'am. Back into the uh... woods behind my house... I've been scared of falling asleep, Officer.

Alright. Mr. Smith, we will have you taken to the Acorn Hallows Community Hospital as soon as possible to try and treat your bruising before it causes you to get any uh... Infections. Did you have anything else to say? Not about the attack, even Alexander? He hasn't done anything as far as we know, but he's definitely tied to the case and anything will help us.

He's a pretty chill guy... Uh... Alex ain't got much going for him. Works at the local hardware store. He's usually quiet but sometimes we get together and watch some shows on YouTube... cartoons and the like.

I heard that your friend Alex has a strong liking for animated object gameshows. Mind giving some more context before we let you get seen by some doctors?

Of course! We uh- really enjoy uh... BFB among others. At least, that's one of our favorites. The cast is pretty likable for the most part. But Alex always took a particular interest in the hosts. Until recently, apparently based on what I... overheard you and other officers saying- I didn't mean to be snooping,of course.

It's alright, I understand. Thank you for your time.

You're welcome.



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