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She led them there. To where it was last seen. Only three of them made it out alive. It was all her fault. There wouldn't be a chance for them to scream. Their friends turn around to see them missing. Not knowing if they too, would disappear.

They were so close to figuring it out. That's when they fled. When they circled around only to find the bodies. Nothing had been removed from them. Just simply dead. Looking up with distant eyes at the sky and smiling. As if it were a joke.

But they were all stone cold. Every last one of them. The final three barely made it out. She didn't mind because she'd seen something the others hadn't. Going to sit at her desk much later, writing the deaths off as animal attacks with a smile on her face.

Trustworthy? No.
Polite? No.
Optimistic? Debatable.
Thoughtful towards others? No,no,no.

But she still continued despite what others said. When people raised concerns, she now hushed them, and changed the topic. She was getting masterful at this, slowly forgetting what she was, a lieutenant. The slice of cake that had shown up on her bedside table changed everything.

There was some investigating to do.

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