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2: Him?  Me? Partners?
I head to English early to give Ms. Kelley my answer. When I get to the room, I walk in and quickly put my backpack down at my seat. I walk up to her desk and say quietly, "I'd love to be a tutor if you still need another person."
A huge smile spreads across her face and she exclaims, "Great!" I smile back and return to my seat. Slowly, students mosey their way into class. I busy myself with doodling on a piece of paper. My mind is occupied with ideas for a project I have to do for my drawing class. We have to use a bunch of doodles that come together to create our names. I think it's a cool idea for a project, but I still don't know what I'm going to do for it yet. Before I know it, class is starting and Ms. Kelley begins with her lesson for the day.
"Alright, class. Listen up. Your next assignment will be in pairs." Aside from me and a few other students, the class starts to get excited and I can see friends already giving each other the look that says 'we're going to be partners, right?!' That idea is soon shot down when Ms. Kelley announces, "But your partner is assigned." A chorus of groans from the class fills the room. "Listen up for your name." As she lists the pairs, I can see faces fall and looks of annoyance from my classmates. "Jade and Mia. Jennie and Taehyung" I freeze. She did not just say that. There must be a mistake. She just switched up the names. I'm sure I'm actually partners with Mia. Or maybe I can talk Jade into switching with me. I'm sure that won't be a problem considering she's one of the many girls crushing majorly on Taehyung. Let's just say, being quiet gets you to hear all the gossip of the school.
"You cannot switch partners."
Thanks, Ms. Kelley. You are no longer my favorite teacher.
"You and your partner will be writing an essay on a topic of your choice. Maybe this project will let everyone get to know each other." I know it's only a month into the school year, but really? I think we all pretty much know who everyone is for the most part. "Sit by your partner and I'll pass out the paper." I remain glued to my chair, refusing to move. I'm not going to bow down as most of the girls in the school do. Forget that. After a while, the devil himself seats himself in the chair next to mine. I dare not look at him, so I focus my attention to the paper in front of me. I place it on the desk so he can read it as well. I'm not that mean.
Ms. Kelley goes over the paper then says, "With your partner, discuss the topic you're going to write about." The class erupts in chatter, some about the assignment, some not. I keep my mouth shut. I refuse to speak first. So while I wait for him to speak, I think about it on my own. We could write an essay on just about anything. Society and everything wrong with it, possibly something involving politics. Wow, I sound really boring.
I'm brought back to reality by Ms. Kelley. "Are you two coming up with a topic?"
I fake smile. "Yep. Just coming up with ideas." My smile fades quickly as she turns her back and moves to another group. Sighing as softly as possible so no one hears me, I make a face down at the paper in front of me to find it gone. Great. He stole it. I stare at the table where the paper was just moments ago.
"Do you have any ideas?" And it speaks.

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