23 [FINAL]

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23: Expectations and Confessions

I'm surprised to find my parents sitting at the table the next morning. Although it's Sunday, they usually have something to do or somewhere to be. I know that I'll eventually have to explain last night, and I'm avoiding it. As I pour some cereal into a bowl, I feel my mother's eyes on me. I don't even have to look up to know that my father is reading the newspaper and that my parents each have a cup of coffee in front of them.

I take my bowl of cereal and sit at the table with them. If I sit at the counter like I usually do, they'll flip out. They already dislike that I make my own food rather than have Maria do it for me. I make a mental list of things I need to do today as I eat my breakfast. I'm only able to list a few things before my mother clears her throat.

My mother's eyes are on me as I look up from my half-eaten bowl of cereal. I sit up a little straighter as she addresses me. "Jennie, you were late last night. Care to explain yourself?" My father even looks up from his paper to listen to my story.

I receive a look of disappointment from my mother by the end of my explanation. I can tell she's about to go off on me when my father says, "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

I'm a bit surprised that I got off so easily, but it's not like they were going to do much to begin with. They're not around enough to ground me or anything. There are times when I wish they actually cared enough to do something, but they never do. I agree and finish my breakfast quickly. Maria takes care of my dish, although I don't mind doing it myself.

Once I'm ready for the day, I curl up on my bed with a book. I had made a run to the library the other day, but I'm already nearly finished with the last one in my pile, Where the Stars Still Shine by Trish Doller.I avoid my parents for the majority of the day, but once everything I need to do is done, I decide to make a quick run to the library. When I get back, my mother is waiting in the sitting room just off the main hallway.

"Jennie," she calls as soon as I close the front door behind me. I set my new pile of books on the small table in the hall before walking into the room. Her laptop is sitting open on the coffee table, and I can't help but wonder why she isn't in her office.

"Take a seat," she orders. She turns the laptop so that I can see the screen. "Can you explain this?" I take a closer look to see a picture of Taehyung and I dancing in the rain and an article to go with it. At first, I'm shocked and confused. Why would anything like this matter?

Before I can ask, my mother explains, "Competitors are always looking for something to say about us. When they see the daughter of the owners doing something so foolish, they jump on it."

"I thought it was a no-press event," I manage to spit out.

"It was. However, that doesn't keep them from waiting outside the building. As next in line to run the company, you must refrain from making ridiculous decisions. Dancing with your boyfriend in the rain was a foolish-"

I cut her off, which is something I never do. "He's not my boyfriend," I blurt out. For the first time that I can remember, my mother looses her composure, and I realize that there is no going back. "Taehyung told Maria that he was my boyfriend, then she told you. It wasn't true. He was just trying to get back at me, and I'm not sure why I let it go on like it did, but now you know."My mother takes a moment to compose herself before answering. "You should have just told us to begin with."

Before she can continue, I speak again. "Well, I didn't, but now you know the truth. You might as well know something else. I don't want to run the company, and I don't plan to. You can find someone else to follow in your footsteps." I quickly get up and leave the room, grabbing my books before I head up the stairs.


After a while of moping, I decide to text Taehyung. I type SOS and hit send.

He responds almost immediately, asking what's wrong.

Me: "I told my mom. She now knows that we're not actually dating and that I don't plan on running the company."

He doesn't respond, but I know he's read the message. I don't know why he would be upset about my mother finding out, but I guess it's a possibility.

A little while later, something hits my window. I look out to see Taehyung standing there, and I open my window, leaning out.

"You know," I say, "I thought dancing in the rain was a bit cliché, but throwing rocks at a girl's window is just downright cheesy."He grins and shrugs, holding up a grocery bag. "I come with treats."

"Doors were made for a reason," I joke. "Oh, and by the way, you're only allowed in if you have anything good."

His grin widens. "Deal."

I smile, close the window, and make my way downstairs. Before letting Taehyung in, I glance down the hallway. Neither of my parents are in sight. My mother has probably moved back into her office, seeing as she's no longer in the sitting room. I open the front door, and Taehyung grins at me.

I hold out my hand. "Let me see what you have." He hands over the bag, and I peek inside. I nod, seeing a bunch of candy. "I approve."


Taehyung laughs. "I'll admit it. I didn't think you had it in you, cutie." He grins and I roll my eyes at the nickname. "You actually told your mom off."

I grab another candy bar. "I know. I didn't even think twice." I laugh. "I think that's the first time I've ever gone against her. I've always done what she wanted me to without question." "Do you think she told your dad?" he asks.

"Oh, definitely." I pick at the wrapper. "I guess it feels kind of nice to know that we don't have to put on an act anymore."

"Yeah." He trails off, going quiet.

I look up to see an odd expression on his face. "What?"

"What if I told you I really liked you?"

I blush, my heart pounding. "What?" I repeat.

He nods with a smile on his face, and I know that I heard him correctly. "I'd ask you out, but the last time I did that, you said no."

I smile, still blushing. "I did."

"Would you turn me down again?"

    <The End>

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