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3: High Expectations

For the first time all period, I look up at him. The bell rings, stopping me from speaking. He hands me back the paper that he stole and walks out of class. I glance down at it and notice something scrawled across the top.

Written beneath the note that reads "just in case you wanna work on the project or come up with any ideas," is a phone number that is no doubt his. He. Did. Not. Biting back a frustrated sigh, I shove the paper into my binder angrily and put my binder in my backpack.

Since English is my last class of the day, I immediately head to my locker before rushing out to my car. As I'm walking out to my car, I see Taehyung and his friends. Not wanting to deal with any of them, I brush past them and head straight for the vehicle, which is now in my line of sight. Thank goodness the day is finally over.


I drop my bag by the door and sit down at my desk, turning on my laptop. While I wait for it to turn on, I lay my head down on the desk and think about the day. If only someone else was my partner. I believe it would make this project a whole lot easier. Ugh. Why does it have to be him?Lifting my head off the desk, I open up Facebook. I have a new message from my friend, Brooklynn. She's my best friend and has been since 7th grade. During our freshman year of high school, she moved away, but we've kept in contact and she's still my closest friend.

We chat for a little while and not much later, I get a friend request. Who would send me a friend request? Curious, I check to see who it is. Sure enough, it's the devil himself, Taehyung.

Thinking to myself, why not?, and without giving it a second thought, I accept the request. Moments later, I get a message.

Taehyung: "Hey :)"

What have I done? Deciding to reply, I type "Hi" and hit send.

Taehyung: "Come up with any ideas yet?"

Me: "I have a few in mind. What about you?"

Taehyung: "Nah :\ not yet"

How am I supposed to respond to that? He sends another message before I get the chance to reply.

Taehyung: "Did you see the note I left for you? :)"

Me: "Yes, I did."

Taehyung: "Good :)"

What's up with him and smiley faces?Me: "Well, I should go."

Taehyung: "Oh. Alright. I'll talk to you later, then? :)"

Umm, no.

Me: "Sure."

He doesn't respond but I know he read the message. Closing out of the website, I shake my head at myself. Why do I do stupid things?


As I'm finishing up my homework, there's a knock on my door. Looking up, I see that my door is already open and Maria is standing in the doorway.

"Your parents are coming back tonight and wanted me to let you know they'll be taking you to dinner," she says with a smile. I can tell she's glad that I'll be spending "quality time" with my parents, but it takes all I have not to groan. When they "take me to dinner," it means that we're going somewhere fancy and that I have to dress nicely. Although I don't see my parents too often, they still have high expectations of how I'm supposed to act and dress. Ridiculous, right?I give Maria a fake smile. "Alright. Thanks." Seeing right through my smile, she chuckles and shakes her head as she leaves the room. I finish my homework then decide to get ready. Walking into my closet, pick out a light blue, knee length, lace dress with sleeves that ended just above my elbow. I pair it with cute brown sandals and fix my hair. Putting my phone in my purse, I look at my clock to see it's 6:00. It doesn't feel that late. I head downstairs and see my parents waiting at the front door. Both of them are on their phones. My father finishes his phone call and my mother puts hers away. With barely a word me or to each other, they head out to the car with me quietly following behind.

The car ride is silent and it feels like forever passes by before we finally pull up to Castle Falls, my favorite restaurant. We only ever come for my birthday, so they either want to spend time with me or they have something they want to tell me. I guess you can imagine why I'm a little suspicious.

We're soon seated and while waiting to order, I look around, taking it in. We don't come often, so I enjoy it while I can. At the table next to ours, a family sits down. As I see who it is, I do a double take. This is not happening. My eyes follow as he sits down. Taehyung and his family will be sitting close to us for dinner. And as if it couldn't get any worse, my parents greet his parents. Of course they know each other.

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