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12: Apologies

I move to the other side of the bed, still half asleep. Stupid alarm. Won't let me get any sleep. As I start to fall back asleep, the blinds in my room are opened and sunlight spills into the room. I groan and pull my blankets over my head. The sun is actually warming me up. Kind of. Next thing I know, Maria is shaking me and telling me to wake up.

"No," I mutter. "I need beauty sleep." Problems or not, a girl needs sleep.

I hear Maria laugh. "You can't hide in your bed all day. You need to go to school."

I grunt. "I have perfect attendance. I think I can live with missing one day." I'm so not a morning person.

Maria sighs. "No, I'm not calling you in sick. You, missy, are going to school. And that's final. Now get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon." I make a noise, rolling out of bed and untangling my hair as I make my way to the bathroom.


Honestly, school is the last place I want to be today. I knew what was coming in English and I don't want to deal with it. When I walked into the class I was dreading the most, I walked up to Ms. Kelley and asked her if I could sit out for the day."Why," she asks with a look of confusion on her face.

"I'm not feeling very well," I lie. Ms. Kelley seems suspicious but doesn't question any further, thankfully. I sit at the usually empty table next to her desk. Students don't occupy this table usually because we have just enough to fill the rest of the tables. I take out a book and put my headphones in, deciding to listen to some music. Ms. Kelley tells Taehyung and Mark that I'm not feeling good, so they don't bother me.


With my homework finished, I sit by pool and read. I recently finished Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon and am coming close to finishing Alexandra Monir's Timeless. Stork by Wendy Delsol is next on my list, then it's another trip to the library for me. Going to the library is always peaceful. As I read, a shadow falls over me. I look up to see Taehyung standing above me, looking down at me. I say nothing and continue reading.

"Jennie," Taehyung says softly. He's using that voice. I continue reading, trying to not let it get to me. "Jennie," he says again. And again, I ignore him. He sits down next to me and says my name again. After a few moments, he picks up my bookmark. I give him a look that says "put it back," but he disregards it. I sigh in frustration and continue reading. Next thing I know, the book is taken out of my hands. I look over at Taehyung in shock, but he calmly puts my bookmark in the book and closes it. After setting it off to the side, he turns to me with sad eyes. "Jen," he says."You never call me Jen," I say, my voice coming out as a whisper.

He smiles softly. "I know." The smile disappears and he says, "I'm sorry."

I stand up, no longer looking at him. "For?"

"Everything." I nod. After a moment of silence, Taehyung stands up as well and says, "So, does that mean I'm forgiven?"

I don't know. "Mmm, maybe."

He gives me a look. "Well, what'll make you feel better?" I slip off one of my shoes and Taehyung gives me an odd look. Before he could figure out what I was about to do, I hit him in the stomach with it. Hard. He groans as I put my shoe back on, a small smile on my face. "Feel better?" I nod.

He laughs and pulls me close. As he hugs me, I laugh and ask him, "Miss me that much?"

Taehyung just laughs. Under his breath, I can faintly hear him say, "Yeah. I really did."

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