Meet again?-2

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??? POV

Shoot! I have been caught spying on him! I started freaking out as i slapped his hand away in the cloak, and run away from him. I was relieved that i escaped him, but boy, i was wrong. He followed me with his...roller skates? I dunno either. He was able to keep a fast pace, and i was shocked. How is that possible? No one is ever caught up to me before. And i wasn't even paying attention where i was running. Guess what? I. Tripped.

I have to get back before my siblings killed me that i was caught by him. As i tried to get up, the roller skates user put his foot in my back, to keep me from standing up.

Shadow POV

As i noticed that he was going to stand up, i put my foot on his back to keep him from standing up. As i expected, he started freaking out.

"Who are you? Where do you come from?" I shouted at him, to get some answers. I heard him groaning in his breath.

"Would you please get your-...whatever-ROLLER SKATES! OFF. ME?!" He yelled. He is quite stubborn to answer such a simple question. I'm upset. Did he just called my "Air Shoes", "Rollerskates?" I glared at him as i took his cloak off him.

"Wha-hey! That's rude!" The hedgehog yelled, revealing his blue ocean quills and his emerald glimmering eyes. Honestly, his eyes was so endearing.

"Who are you?" I asked him again, but a less stern so he wouldn't be stubborn to answer it this time. "I will tell you, if you get your rollerskates off my back."

I move my foot off his back so he can stand up. He dust himself and showing me a cocky smirk. "Hello, my name is Maurice Olgilvie Hedgehog, but just call me Sonic."

Now, what kind of a name is that? It is unexpected. "So, what is your name?" He said.

"None of your bussiness, Faker." I soon to call him Faker, cuz'.....he's a hedgehog.

"Wooowww. I just introduced you my name, and you don't tell me what's yours?" Faker clapped his hands and spoke sarcasmly.

"Did i even said that you can introduce yourself?" I crossed my arms and scoffed. This guy is unbelievable.

"Well, you did say who i am." He rolled his eyes. "Not your name, dammit'." "Oh came on! It was just a simple question!" I stared at him in silence, and thought for a moment. Maybe i could have another friend than just Rouge and Omega...and Maria....i shook my head and bluntly spoke to him.

"Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog. And i am the Ultimate Lifeform, so don't even test me." I then heard him chuckle. "But i can trust and know you more!" He kept giggling like an idiot.

And i am honestly annoyed and like his smile.

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