Entry 1:

25 1 1

Khane woke up under a brilliant bright blooming cherry blossom branch. But for some reason An was not with me. Instead an angelic amazing astounding figure stood before me. "It's you!" I exclaim with tears in my eyes.

"Hello dear" she smiles back. 

A shadow crosses Kohane face and covers half of it. "This girl has been taking my lunch money at school." 

The angelic aura frowned. "So sad, how jealousy manifests itself..." 


"Yes dear. But instead of fighting back, why don't you kill her with kindness?" 

"Kill her?!" Kohane eeped. 

"That's right! You can do it Kohane I believe you can do it" The ghostly figure started to fade away. 

"Wait! But what if..." I call out but it is too late. She is gone.

Kohane's Diary The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now