Entry 8:

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A blight blate bright brimming with blue sky bloomed overhead. I hear a meow on my way to the store. It is a cat! It is stuck in a tree. Poor kitty! Kohane will try to rescue it. "Pspsps here kitty kitty!" Kohane the coax cat down. "Pspsps." The cat still clambering up the tree. I continue to try and rescue but to no avail. The feline felis fetus would not jump into my outstretch arms.

In a trice, I spy with my little eyes the goon squad of Airi and Minori and Saki voyaging down the street on their bikes. They circled Kohane like vulture hawks on velocipedes.


"Nerdy birdy!"

"Mr. BEAST."

They all snarked insults.

"That stinky winky An was never meant to cross paths with YOU! You're such a TOEhane who gets in my way!! An is mine!" Airi then struck a yandere pose on her bike dramatically.

"Oh no, she's a yandere!" Kohane conjectures. 

Kohane gawps at the circling boogery people when An bestrides towards us on her own velocipede and rams into Minori's. "Cacaw! Cacaw!" An battle cries and causes them both to take a tumble.

Airi glowers at the scene and opined, "What do you think you're doing??" The bicycling stopped.

An middle pinkys Airi and she gasps in offendation. "Kohane and me are together!! So forget about getting together with me because I won't get together with you and no one will get together with you even if you want to get together with someone because you are ungetable."

Airi growls and dog ears and tail sprout from her. "That's not true! I will get together with you and you will get together with me!" 

Kohane stepped back as an epic battle commences. Three werewolves vs one demon! And Kohane have no power to help out.

The four forces clashed and clambered. Airi called her dogs and An rained and set fire to the rain. Adele watches from the sidelines with me. Unexpectedly, An skyfalls and everyone stops.

"An??" Kohane rush over and kneel beside the foxy demon.

"Kohane..." she smile weakly and reach up to touch her face and wipes her tears. "Please don't cry. I love you!"

I goggle and tears flow. "Noo! You are dead!" Kohane weep.

"I am dead." An agrees, dead and dead.

Airi rubbernecks in horror. "An is... dead??"

"Yes I am dead."

"NOOOOOOO!!" Airi howls. Saki and Minori whimper in sadness. "This is all your fault nerd!!" The pinkalicious werewolf fumes.

"I-I did nothing!!" I wail.

Just then, a bright blinding brilliance blankets An, and me and Airi have to look away. When I peek back, I espy not a daring delightful demon, but a arresting attractive angel. An was drop-dead gorgeous!

"W-wow!!" I blubber. Airi blushes and looked away. What an unexpected surprise! I takes An's hand and we fly far far away from the rabid dogs.

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