Entry 9:

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The subway tunnel stretched around me. It was dark. Super scary! I ride my bike down the tracks to go see An. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Kohane go to investigate.

Investagated, the light turned into three lights and I hear witch cackling in the three lights echoing in the semi-circle tunnel. I knew that laugh from anywhere. "Show your face Airi!"

Airi schreeched, and become visible to Kohane. Her goons Saki and Minori following. 

We both all velocipede over to each other. My bike's name is Count Pearl named after my pet snake's name (it died in a river. May it rest in peace.) It was Kohanes bike, she loves it ever since it had training wheels. The darkness is too dark and I accidentally trip Minori off her bike.

Airi howled. "You're dead meat!" The gang starts raming their bikes into Kohane knee.

"Ow." Kohane says. "Airi, you're my friend. You'll always be my friend no matter what you do."

"So if I take that bike away from you what are you gonna do about it?" Airi sneered, her Chicago side coming out.

"Here, now you don't have to take it." Kohane smiled and handed the bike over then skipped away down into the depths of the tunnel.

"No! YOU CANT MAKE ME!" Airi yelled.

"Airi, but youre my friend..."


Kohane turned back. "Airi, who do you hate."


"Who do you really hate!"

"I hate myself!" Airi cried. Then she took a bat and started wacking the walls and tracks. Then, everyone ran away.

Kohane's Diary The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now