Epilouge Entry:

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Kohane everyday diligently writes letters to Airi.

"Dear Airi, I hope youre doing well. The baseball team won."

"Dear Airi, I heard that youre back in Chicago. I still consider you one of my best friends. We had some great times together."

"Dear Airi, I don't know if you're getting my letters but Id sure like to hear from you."

"Dear Airi, winter has been really cold this year. But spring fall winter and that means baseball!"

"Dear Airi, its hard to believe a whole year has passed since I've seen you. How is my bike Count Pearl?"

"Dear Airi, I still dont know if you're getting my letters. Something else, Ive grown two inches and you have to see me in my new contacts."

A few days later Kohane walks into her house to write another letter. I walk in to see my dad and An's aunt Nagi making out. Wow, young love is so beautiful! Just like me and An. "So what's everyone doing here?"

Her dad turns to Kohane. "I'm proud of you." An said. "You did the right thing."


My dad cleared his throat. He coughed. "This might be difficult to hear, ya know loss is never an easy thing especially for a young girl such as yourself."

Kohane turned blue and pale. "Who is it..."

"Regretfully, Airi is- is.." 

"She's gone!" Kohane broke into tears. "My best friend!"

"I think we ought to have the Revenge read that leader. He's had the most experience with this."

Minori sits up from the couch to let in the Revenge in. He reads the letter. "Dear Kohane, my closest confidante and friend. Airi has been doing well. Here is a clipping from a newspaper. She has now taken up the mantra, "kill with kindness" in the streets of Chicago. Love, Airis aunt."

Everyone let out a hearty jubalant burst out in laughing laughter. "Fooled!!" Saki chortled and vibrated. "Dead people jokes are always the funniest jokes."

Kohane roared with laughter. "You got me! That's a real knee slapper that one!"

Hoory! Hoorah! Nagi and Kohane dad kiss. Saki and Minori kiss. An and me kiss. It is a kissing fest!

"You got the right one baby! Uh huh uh huh." Everyone cheered.

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