When he was finally cleared to rejoin his regiment, a new commander was supervising the troops.

The new Commander didn't like him any more than the old one had. But obviously someone had warned him about the previous commander's demotion, so he didn't act on those moods.

He still wasn't cut out for this, to be honest. Too physically taxing. None of the exercises seemed to be making him stronger. Rather, they only seemed to be stressing him out and making him weaker.

But it was an incredible improvement not to be slighted: To not have reduced food rations or more physical chores given to him, to not be gaslighted with incorrect instructions, and to not be actively separated from the rest of the group simply because the commander ordered it to be that way.

He still didn't know who it was that had snuck him into the sanatorium after the old commander had ordered him to be left where he was. No one had revealed it - either because they didn't know, or because they wanted to keep it a secret. 

He knew who had told the Dark Lady though: The sanatorium head - who he held in quite a bit of awe after his stay there. She had had no problem ranting about irresponsible leadership and "How dare he leave a sick person like that!" 

Needless to say, she had his gratitude and goodwill till the end of his life... and he hoped and prayed that he would never get on the wrong side of her.

Still, while he still didn't know who his saviors were, it was nice not to be completely isolated.

"Rob, hi," said the new recruit who had introduced himself as Lin, startling him.

"Hi." Robert was still unused to being sought out though. And with the way Lin carried himself, and the easy confidence he radiated, it was hard to not feel scrawny and incompetent in his presence. Especially as he was now sprawled on the floor next to a pile of haystacks, trying to catch his breath after not even finishing half his workload.

Not that Lin had ever gone out to make him feel that way. But still...

"Not to be harsh, Rob, but I don't think you're cut out for a warrior's life."

Scratch that. Now Lin had officially gone out to make him feel scrawny and weak.

Robert would have loved to glare or snark at him. But he didn't have the breath for that right now. "Gee, thanks," he wheezed. Yup. A model of stamina, was he.

Lin also gave him a bottle of sweet lemonade, which took the sting out of his assessment.

He couldn't resent someone so good-natured...

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