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I was pinned to the wall by the tall and sturdy guy. The air felt charged with the tension as my back slammed with the rough surface of the wall, with my breath catching in my throat. My heart raced, and every sense is heightened as I feel the heat of Soobin's body close to mine with our gaze locked in a battle of wills.

Y/N : What are you doing, Soobin?

Soobin : Why did you run away?

Y/N : Why should I even have stayed?

Soobin : There's nothing going on between Da-eun and me.

Y/N : I didn't ask you though.

Our eyes locked with a silent exchange of emotions. Time seems to slow as we look into each other with intensity, longing and maybe a tint of uncertainty with the world around us fading into the background.

I flickered my gaze downward breaking the intensity of the moment and he let go of me that instant. Without uttering a single word, he walked away leaving me alone. I glanced at the fading figure and sighed.



As I plopped into the bed, exhaustion washed over me, sinking into the soft embrace of the mattress. With a sigh, I closed my eyes, allowing the events of the day to play out in my mind like a movie reel. The room was quiet, saved for the gentle hum of the night outside.

There's a mix of satisfaction and weariness as I reflect on the happenings of the day and replaying conversations. I knew what I did was right.

The guy whom I beat today was the one who sexualised Y/N earlier in the class. I seemed to overhear the conversation between him and his friend. I didn't realise the rage developing inside me at that time. Later as I walked around in the corridor, I saw him teasing Da-eun, my classmate. That's when I thought to take out every bit of my anger.

The moment between me and Y/N today was quite tensed. I felt like I had to say a lot to her but at the same time, I couldn't even utter a word. Whenever she's around me, my world seems to act differently and a whirlwind of emotions sweeps through my mind.

Why do I feel like this whenever I'm near you, Y/N?


Why does things always get complicated when you're around, Soobin?


Both, Soobin and Y/N are entangled in the web of mixed emotions and feelings.

Each interaction leaves them grappling with conflicting feelings, unsure of where they stand with each other. One moment, there's a spark of undeniable chemistry, drawing them closer together. But in the next moment, doubt creeps in causing them to pull back and second-guess their connection.

Despite the confusion, there's an undeniable magnetic pull between them, drawing them back together time and time again.

They were themselves not sure, what was happening to them.

Was that love? Or hatred?

Gradually, as sleep beckons, the thoughts begin to soften, drifting into the realm of dreams, leaving them to rest and recharge for the unexpected adventures for tomorrow.

MY FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now