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As I entered my classroom and headed towards my desk, I noticed most or maybe all of my classmates shooting me side glances. Their eyes lingered for a moment before quickly darting away from me. I sat on my desk and started scrolling down my phone.

" Hey Soobin! Are you really dating the fresher? "

" I heard she's pretty! "

" And got big- "

Before they could complete themselves, I banged my hand on the desk table and shooted a glare to them.

Soobin : Why can't you people mind your own businesses?

I blurted and walked out of the classroom.

Too much of pain in the ass.

I was walking in the corridor with my hands in trouser's pocket and humming a song when out of nowhere, I was interrupted by few girls of my class.

" Hey Soobin, would you mind talking to us for a while? "

Soobin : Yes.

I coldly said and walked past them. But those girls seemed to not have patience. They approached me again.

" We heard that you kissed that girl yesterday! Is that true since we can't believe you being this sweet with a newbie. "

Soobin : Even if I did, what is there to do with you all?

I was about to leave when one hand stopped me.

" You know this well, I like you, Soobin. I have liked you for two years. We were in the same class in our previous two years as well. How could you not feel things towards me? "

Soobin : Is that a question?

I bluntly said. Walking past them, their conversations blending into a murmuring background, I made my way toward the staircase leading to the rooftop. The only place to find peace.

As I entered the rooftop, I sighed upon seeing the person I least wanted to see. Or maybe the most. I called out her name and she immediately looked at me fixing her dress.

Y/N : Oh! I was just passing by. I would go now.

She was about to pass by me but I held her hand preventing her from leaving. She looked at me with confusion in her eyes and we had an eye contact for couple of seconds. Gosh, her eyes are prettier than I thought.

I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts as I realised what was I even thinking.

Y/N : Do you want to say something?

Soobin : Oh. Yeah. Be careful.

She hummed and shook her hand out of my grip. She gave me a sad-like expression and left. My inner self wanted to stop her from leaving but my outer self didn't want to accept this.


The rooftop of the college was a refuge for me after the chaos of the day and a place to catch my breath. It has been a while that I stayed here. The college might have been dispersed by now.

I was heading to my class when suddenly I heard some noises coming out of the janitor's closet. I got curious for a second but shrugged it.


"What did you and Soobin talk?"

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