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The evening was draped in a velvety hue as Soobin lay on his bed, his thoughts meandering through the day's events. His encounter with Y/N lingered in his mind, her presence still palpable in the room. He remembered the way she had looked at him, her eyes a mix of emotions he couldn't quite decipher.

But what truly captivated him was the moment he heard her whisper his name in her sleep. It was a soft, barely audible murmur, yet it resonated deeply within him. He wondered what she might have been dreaming about, what thoughts had invaded her subconscious to make her utter his name in such a tender manner.

Lost in his thoughts, Soobin closed his eyes, replaying the scene in his mind. He could almost hear her voice again. The memory filled him with a strange sense of longing, a desire to unravel the mysteries hidden within her.

As the night grew deeper, Soobin's mind drifted further into the realm of dreams, where he hoped to find answers to the questions that plagued his waking hours.


Y/N sat at her desk, her books open in front of her, but her mind was elsewhere. Thoughts of Soobin danced through her mind like a whirlwind, sweeping away any attempt at focus. She traced the lines of her notebook absentmindedly, her thoughts consumed by memories of their time together.

She remembered the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, the sound of his laughter ringing in her. She recalled the warmth of his hand in hers when they had their handshake, the gentle touch that sent shivers down her spine.

Everywhere she looked, she saw him. His presence seemed to linger in the air, a constant reminder of the bond they shared. The bond which they had. The bond she felt. She found herself smiling at the thought of him, her heart skipping a beat at the mere mention of his name. The smiled knowing that she met him again.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/N didn't notice the time passing. It was only when the room grew dark around her that she snapped back to reality, realizing how long she had been lost in thoughts of Soobin. With a sigh, she closed her books, knowing that sleep would offer no respite from her constant thoughts of him.

"Soobin" is all she could think about.


The Next Day

Y/N walked through the corridor of the campus, her footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. She sipped from her water bottle, lost in thought, when a guy approached her, looking a bit lost.

"Hey, sorry to bother you," he said, flashing a friendly smile. "I'm new here and I'm a bit lost. Could you tell me where the main building is?"

Y/N smiled back, glad to help.

Y/N : Sure, it's just down this hallway. Take a left at the end, and you'll see it.

"Thanks so much," the guy said, relief evident in his voice. "I'm Jay, by the way."

Y/N : I'm Y/N.

She replied, offering her hand. They shook hands, and Y/N noticed the nervousness in Jay's eyes.

Y/N : First day jitters?

Jay : Yeah, definitely. I feel like I'm gonna get lost every five minutes.

Y/N : Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. By the way, it's my second day here and even I seem to get lost in the campus.

Jay chuckled.

Jay : Well, at least I'm not alone then. Second day and already feeling lost, huh?

Y/N nodded, grinning.

Y/N : Yep, it's a big campus. But don't worry, I'm starting to figure out the shortcuts.

Jay : Alright. I'll see you later. Gonna get my schedule.

Y/N : Yeah sure.

Jay : Well, thanks Y/N.

Y/N : No problem.

She smiled to which he smiled back.


Time flew by really quick and it was the time of dispersal. As Y/N packed her bag, Jay strolled up against the door with a grin.

Jay : Hey there, leaving without saying goodbye?

Y/N : Oh, hi. Well, I was just leaving. Should we go together?

Jay : Sure.

Y/N : Just a moment.

Y/N slung her bag on her shoulder plugging out her earphones.

As Jay and Y/N walked together down the corridor, their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter.

Y/N : So how was your first day?

Jay : At first, it was a little troublesome but then I met you. I feel, we would get along well.

Y/N : I suppose as well.

As they were exiting the campus door, she accidentally bumped into someone, nearly stumbling backward.

Y/N : Oh, sorry!

She exclaimed, looking up to see a tall figure in front of her. It was Soobin. Y/N felt a pang of embarrassment, but before she could say anything, Jay appeared beside her, slipping an arm around her arm and pulling her towards him.

Jay : Careful there, Y/N. You're like a bull in a china shop.

Jay teased, flashing a grin at her. As Jay teased Y/N, Soobin found himself watching them intently, but he didn't realize that the slight tightening in his chest. He thought he was simply observing their playful interaction, not recognizing the underlying emotions stirring within him.

Soobin nodded in agreement, more focused on Y/N's reaction than on Jay's words.

Y/N blushed, apologizing for the bump, and Jay's arm around her arm seemed to comfort her. Soobin found himself studying the way she leaned into Jay's touch, a small smile playing on her lips.

Soobin : It's all good. Just be more careful next time.

Jay's playful banter continued, and Soobin listened, not realizing that he was feeling left out. He thought he was simply being observant, unaware of the feeling simmering beneath the surface.

As they walked down the corridor, Soobin remained oblivious to his own feelings, his mind occupied with other thoughts. It would only be later, when he reflected on the moment, that he would realize the truth behind his seemingly innocent observations.

Soobin didn't deny the fact that he was slightly driven to Y/N after the classroom scene. He couldn't figure out the reason for Y/N to murmur his name while asleep when they had met for the first time.

Met for the first time— for him.

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