Chapter 8

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Author's Pov

It's been one month since Nityashree joined the hospital. It was quite a hectic month.

From hospital to home and from home to hospital had become his routine. But she was happy because she was very passionate about her career.

she loved her work, she loved her new life. But still there was an emptiness, she was so busy that she did not even have time to think about anything else, yet she
Didn't stop missing Raj.

Here, Rajveer was also in a similar situation. Ever since that incident happened, his restlessness has increased further.

He was unable to sleep throughout the night and because of this he remained irritable throughout the day.

His grandmother had been noticing all this for many days. When she could not tolerate Rajveer's condition, one day she took Rajveer with her to the temple.

After going there, Rajveer started feeling a little better. He folded his hands and started praying.

'God, you are the one who has given me this feeling of love. Please listen to my prayers and grant her to me whom I have lost my heart. She's my hope, she's my peace. I wish to make her mine night and day. God, please grant her to me. It's my heart's only wish'

As soon as Rajveer completed, a flower fell from the Lord Krishna's idol on rajveer's hands.

A priest came forward with a smile on his face and said,
"This is a very good sign, Yuvraj.
Your prayers are going to be fulfilled very soon,just have faith in God and trust his timing"

Listening to his words, rajveer's heart swelled with happiness. He was feeling much better now.

After prayers he went back home to drop his dadisa. Then he was about to leave for his office but he saw Shloka, descending stairs hurriedly with a file in her hand, worried.

As she came near him, he asked
"What happened kakisa? Why are you so worried? "

"Your uncle has forgotten his important file here, he urgently needs this file and now he is making me run behind him, I'm already late for my work. " She replied catching her breath.

"Calm down kakisa, give this file to me. I'll take this to kakasa" Rajveer said, taking that file from her hand.

"Thank you so much veer" Saying so she left for her work hurriedly.

Rajveer got settled in his car and drove towards the hospital.

Here Nityashree also reached the hospital like every day. But  her car broke down on the way, so she was late today.

After reaching the hospital, she started running towards her department. She just wanted to reach her department as soon as possible,

But in the process, her leg faltered and she lost her balance, but before she could land on the ground,two strong arms caught her by her waist and saved her from falling.

Nityashree had closed her eyes due to the fear of falling. She thought that now
She will fall and will have to feel embarrassment in front of everyone.

But even after some time passed, nothing like this happened. So she slowly opened one of her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, a very handsome face appeared in front of her. Fair complexion, dark black thick hair which was perfectly set with jel, pointed nose, sharp jaw line, perfectly trimmed beard.

only his eyes could not be seen because he was wearing black googles over his eyes.

Nityashree looked at his face carefully, taking in all his features. Her eyes were not ready to move away from him. That guy was none other than our Rajveer.

They were really in an awkward position. Their fronts were almost touching. Their faces were just an inch apart from each other.

He was holding her from her waist in a strong grip

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He was holding her from her waist in a strong grip. She was clutching on his bicep, digging her nails on his blazer cladded arm.

Due to their close proximity, Rajveer could get her fragrance. It was a very familiar fragrance for him.

Due to the position they were in, some strands of her hair were falling on her beautiful face. Due to which half of her face was covered.

Rajveer could not stop himself from removing the hair strands from her face. He removed one of his hands from her waist and moved it towards her face and gently tucked her strands behind her ear.

As soon as the hair was removed from her face, her entire face came in front of Rajveer.

Seeing her beautiful face, Rajveer froz in his place. As if the whole world around him had stopped. His heartbeat had become so fast that it seemed as if his heart would burst out of his chest.

And why wouldn't this happen? For whom he was yearning for the last three years, for whom he was searching everywhere like crazy, in whose memory he had spent so many sleepless nights, that Shree,
His Shree,
was today finally in his arms.

It was as if Rajveer had forgotten to take his eyes off her, he was so shocked that he did not even realize that
When did his strong hold on Nityashree's waist had slowly started being released.

Both of them were so engrossed in looking at each other that they were not conscious of anything.

But the very next moment, when Rajveer lost his grip on Nityashree's body, she fell on the ground with a thud and a sigh came out of her mouth due to pain.

"Aai ga..... " She screamed, rubbing her bum and both of them came to their senses.

Rajveer was filled with joy. He was over the moon. As if he had conquered the whole world. a glimpse of her gave him solace which he was yearning for days, like seeing the moon in the dark night.

Nityashree felt as if he had dropped her deliberately. She was feeling very embarrassed after falling in front of everyone.

She got furious at Rajveer, puffing her nose in anger she glared at him who was still looking at her with dreamy eyes.

' ek to giraya aur ab uthne me help bhi nahi kar raha hai. How rude. Aur jab girana hi tha to pehle help kyu kii" Nityashree said in her mind.
(First he dropped one and now he is not even helping me to get up. What a rude person he is. And when it was about to fall, why did he save me first?)

But what could poor Rajveer do? He had just received a 440 V shock; it would have taken time to recover from it.

Due to the fall, Nityashree was badly hit on her waist, that is why she was having difficulty in getting up. But somehow she stood up.

As soon as she got up, she fixed her dress and hair and cast an angry look at Rajveer who was still there looking at her with shocked eyes.

"Bavlat" she said angrily to him and went away from there.

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Love love ❤

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