Chapter Four

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"Play with me!" Sootykit said in a high-pitched squeal. "I'm so bored and my brothers don't want to!"

Patterpaw nudged the kit back into her nest. "Your brothers can't play because they're sick," she explained for the fifth time that day. Considering she was also sick, Sootykit was being quite active.

Briarheart's nest had been moved to one side of the den. The other nests, belonging to Aspenfur and Darkshine, were against the opposite wall. Aspenfur's daughter, Dandelionkit, was playing outside, and Bearkit, Patterpaw's younger brother, was sleeping.

"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" Sootykit propped herself up on the edge of the nest and stared up at Patterpaw with round blue eyes.

The apprentice sighed. "If you need something to do, you can use some of that old moss to make a mossball."

Sootykit bounced out of the nest and over to the corner, where the used moss was waiting to be taken away. Patterpaw turned back towards the other kits. Volekit was coughing quietly, and Nightkit was hot with fever. She tore off a tiny piece of feverfew and placed it into the black kit's mouth.

Darkshine smiled at Patterpaw from where her nest lay. "I'm so happy you decided to help. You're being very responsible." Patterpaw's eyes glowed at her mother's warm praise.

Suddenly, a mossball hit Patterpaw on the back of the head. She whirled around to see Sootykit, a mischievous grin on the mottled she-kit's face.

"Great StarClan, Sootykit, can't you play with Dandelionkit or something?" Patterpaw groaned. "I'm busy with your brothers, and I can't play right now."

"Aspenfur won't let me go by Dandelionkit because she's afraid I'll get her sick," Sootykit mewed. "I already told her that I'm better, but she won't listen. And Wadingfoot glares at me whenever I go near Dandelionkit, which is so unfair..." The she-kit rambled on.

Patterpaw pretended to listen while feeding Lemonkit a bit of tansy. The kit grimaced even in his sleep. It must be really bitter.

Briarheart came in, stepping over her daughter. The queen had been getting some rest in the warrior's den. "How are they?" she asked Patterpaw anxiously.

"Not too well," Patterpaw replied, hooking Sootykit by the scruff and tugging her away from the entrance. "This one is running around like crazy, though."

"I have a name!" Sootykit declared, shaking free and sprinting over to her mother. "And it isn't 'this one.'"

"Of course, darling," said Briarheart, licking her head.

Rowanfoot popped her head into the nursery. "Hey, Patterpaw," she meowed. "You can go now. Thanks a lot for your help."

The black and white apprentice yawned. "Thanks, Rowanfoot." She had been in the nursery since morning, listening to Sootykit tell a completely random story that she had apparently heard from the elders.

The second she stepped out of the den, Echopaw saw her and ran over to her. Patterpaw sighed. What does she want?

"Paaattterrrpaaaaw," the pale blue-gray apprentice hummed, thrusting her muzzle into Patterpaw's face. "I have something to tellll yooouuu."

Patterpaw ducked away and headed towards the apprentice's den. "What is it, Echopaw?"

Echopaw hopped from one paw to the other in excitement. "We're going to the Gathering tonight!"

"Great. I'm going to get some sleep."

Patterpaw's sister followed her into the apprentice's den, then stood by her nest. The black and white she-cat laid down, then sat back up again. "That is very creepy."

"There's also something else I want to tell you," Echopaw whispered. "But I can't say it in here. We have to go out of camp."

"Really?" Patterpaw sighed. "Can't we do it later?"

"I'm not leaving until you come with me," Echopaw said stubbornly. She continued to stare at her sister, until finally Patterpaw stood up and left the den.

"Okay. What is it you want to tell me?" she asked once they were far enough away from the camp that no one could hear them. Patterpaw was quite annoyed at her sister, and she let it show.

"Guess what I saw? FrostClan is stealing prey!" Echopaw danced around her.

Patterpaw gasped. "Why didn't you tell Bluebellstar and Goldenstorm? And why are you telling me?"

"I'm not done yet!" Echopaw stopped moving and stared at Patterpaw. "I wasn't the only one watching. Acornfall was there too."

"Acornfall?" Patterpaw had never really spoken to the golden-furred warrior. "What was she doing there?"

"Just watching. There was a full patrol of cats there, but none of them saw us. Except Acornfall saw me. That's why I didn't want to tell you in camp."

"She saw you?" Patterpaw thought hard. "But she didn't say anything?"

"Nope." Echopaw shook her head to emphasize her point. "She just slipped away. And somehow she managed to get to camp before me."

Patterpaw sighed. "I don't know what's going on, and it's not like I could really do anything about it anyway. Maybe a warrior could confront her or something."

"I bet I can spy!" her sister suddenly declared. "I can watch her and see if she does anything else strange."

"I'm going to go sleep now, Echopaw." Patterpaw left and walked back towards camp. She completely forgot about her conversation with Echopaw.

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now