Chapter Twenty-Four

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The white she-cat padded alongside her friend as they walked back to the cave. The kits were half asleep. It had been a long night.

"So now you're making your own Clan?" Snowfox asked, disgust apparent in her voice. Fire Lily shrugged.

"Not really. I'm not going to be a leader like... Bluebirdstar. Or maybe it was Bluebellstar? I think that's it."

Snowfox rolled her eyes. "If it's not a Clan, then what is it? I'd rather we stayed as travelers like before."

"There are kits to take care of now," the orange-yellow she-cat pointed out. "I doubt we'd be able to cover much ground with them in tow."

"We're here!" announced Quincy, running into the cave. She curled up in the nest and was immediately asleep. Snowfox wondered how she could tell where she was. Her siblings piled into the moss beside her.

"Kits, just stay here," the white she-cat meowed. "Your aunt and I have to talk about something."

One of the kits mumbled something, but the fluffy pile was already snoozing. Snowfox led Fire Lily a short way from the den.

"So now I'm their aunt?" Fire Lily asked. "Cool. What did you want to talk about?"

Snowfox paced in a small circle, black-tipped tail twitching. "Just because I went to your meeting doesn't mean I like the Clans. I would prefer to be far away from them, along with the kits."

"The kits like the meetings," her friend countered. "You saw them! They were having fun!"

"A few friends are not worth the danger," Snowfox hissed. "Your meeting group is coming without permission from the leaders. What if they find out?"

"It's fine. They're not going to-" Fire Lily broke off as a cry came from the direction of the cave. "The kits!" she gasped.

Snowfox was already pelting towards the sound. She crashed through a bramble, thorns tearing at her fur, and skidded to a halt.

A huge badger was inside the cave. The kits were backed into one corner, eyes wide and fearful. Letting out a yowl, Snowfox leaped onto the badger.

It tried to shake her off, growling loudly. The she-cat dug her claws into its fur, scoring long gashes down its sides. She barely leapt off in time to save herself from being squashed when it rolled onto its back.

Fire Lily stood beside her, helping to slash at the creature's nose. Finally, it lumbered off into the forest, blood dripping from a new scar.

Hurrying to the kits, Snowfox breathed a sigh of relief as she saw that Quincy and Kimmy had only superficial wounds. They would heal soon. But Ray had a deep cut across his side, streaming blood. She quickly pressed one paw to the mark.

"Kimmy! Bring me the spiderwebs from the corners of the den!" The kit ran off and returned with a small pawful of cobwebs. Snowfox plastered them onto the brown tom.

"Here." Fire Lily dropped a much larger amount of sticky strings next to the white she-cat. Her golden eyes were full of worry. Snowfox wrapped the strands around Ray.

Finally, the bleeding halted. Snowfox gently laid Ray in the nest, beside his sisters. Then she turned to Fire Lily.

"This is all your fault," she snarled at the orange-yellow she-cat. "We should have moved our den days ago! Then that badger wouldn't have had time to find us!"

"Snowfox-" Fire Lily began. Snowfox cut her off.

"As soon as Ray is better we're leaving. Never mind that, I'm leaving with the kits. You can stay here with your horrible Clans for I care." The white she-cat stormed into the den and curled around her adopted kits. A few tears streaked down her face. I can't believe I said that.

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now