Chapter Thirteen

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"Patterpaw! Patterpaw, wake up! They found Crowflash!" Echopaw's voice was on the edge of panic.

Patterpaw stumbled out of the den in a half-asleep daze. She had barely slept last night, and was exhausted. Suddenly, she stopped. "What?"

For once, Echopaw was at a loss for words. She looked to the side, not meeting her sister's gaze.

"What in StarClan's name is going on?" Patterpaw screeched, tears stinging her eyes. What happened, what happened, what happened?

"Patterpaw." Darkshine licked her ears comfortingly. "DustClan found him on the Gathering Beach. We don't know who or what killed him."

The black and white she-cat burrowed into her mother's side, sniffling. Darkshine rested her tail on Patterpaw's shoulder. "You're okay," she murmured. "You're okay."

The next day

Patterpaw sat alone next to the apprentices' den, picking at a thrush. With a sigh, she pushed it away. There wasn't anything for her to do, except for visiting the nursery.

She padded into the cozy den, stepping over a pair of wrestling kits. Bearkit poked his head out of the tumbling ball. "Hi, Patter-oof!"

Dandelionkit pinned him to the floor. "Ha! I win! A true warrior doesn't get distracted!"

"No fair!" Bearkit pouted. "I don't want to play fighting anymore. Let's do mossball." He looked up at Patterpaw. "Will you play?"

Might as well. "Sure," Patterpaw mewed. She spotted a scrap of dusty moss by the corner of the wall. Snagging it between two claws, she rolled it into a ball and tossed it into the air.

Both Bearkit and Dandelionkit leaped up to catch it, but suddenly a dark blur flew through the air just above their heads. Nightkit hit the ground a mouselength away, the mossball between his front paws. "I got it!" he squealed.

"Good job, Nightkit!" Briarheart praised her son, eyes shining. He must be feeling much better.

A yowl split the air. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Beechroots for a Clan meeting!"

Patterpaw padded out of the den, wondering what the meeting was about. She noticed Swiftpaw, perched on one of the roots next to Bluebellstar.

Once all the cats were in the clearing, Bluebellstar continued. "Our medicine cat apprentice has had a vision. Swiftpaw, tell them."

The fluffy red tom seemed nervous, but he stood tall and began. "I had a dream last night. Silverfang appeared, and showed me a new herb. He said that it would treat the sickness, but it doesn't grow in our territory. But I can collect some and bring it back within a quarter moon."

"I'll come," meowed Acornfall. The golden-brown she-cat stepped forward. "I can help you carry the herbs, and defend you from dogs and foxes."

Patterpaw was surprised to see the young warrior volunteering, since she was usually secluded and unfriendly. Swiftpaw blinked, then nodded his head. "Okay. You can come too." He turned to look at Patterpaw. "Will you come?"

"Me?" The black and white she-cat was taken aback. "I'm not sure..."

"Please?" Swiftpaw asked again. "I really want you to."

Patterpaw thought for a moment. It would be fun, I guess. "All right. I'll come."

"It's settled, then," meowed Swiftpaw, smiling in anticipation. "We'll leave at sunrise tomorrow."

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now