Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The black she-cat was shaken awake harshly. "Applepaw!" a panicked voice cried. "Wake up!"

She opened one green eye to see Lavenderpaw's face directly in hers. Shoving him away, she asked, "What's going on?"

"It's Featherycloud!" he wailed.

Applepaw leaped to her paws. "Lavenderpaw, tell me what's happening, and stop screaming!"

"Leave him alone!" Icypaw forced her way between them, glaring at her sister. "Come on. The Clan is getting ready for the vigil."

Vigil? Oh, StarClan, no... Applepaw ran out of the den, heart pounding. Featherycloud was lying in the clearing, looking incredibly still. Around her were gathered her kin.

"How did this happen?" the black she-cat asked numbly. She had known Featherycloud all her life, and now...

Icypaw ignored her and went to sit next to Forestdapple. Lavenderpaw followed, glancing sadly back at Applepaw.

The apprentice turned away. I can't be here right now. She fled out into the forest, the wind lashing her in the face as she sprinted as fast as she could.

Finally, Applepaw stopped near the Gathering Rock, panting for breath. She leaned against the smooth stone and moaned. I should've known she was sick! I haven't even been in camp most of the time because I don't want to talk to my littermates. And I've been sneaking out almost every night for the meetings. Great StarClan, what's wrong with me? I'm an awful Clanmate.

Her thoughts spiraled on as she remembered how she had enjoyed being at the meetings more than at home. Closing her eyes, Applepaw slumped to the ground, sighing.

"Applepaw?" Dark green eyes stared into hers as she suddenly awoke. Umberkit blinked at her as she shook away the curtain of sleep.

"What are you doing out here, Umberkit?" she mumbled. He looked down at his paws.

"I followed your scent trail," he admitted. "I didn't really want to be in camp either."

Applepaw glanced around. There was no sign of anyone following the kit. "You did a good job sneaking out," she said with a pang of regret. "I used to think that kits should never sneak out of camp because they would be eaten by badgers."

"Apprentices get eaten by badgers too!" Umberkit protested. Applepaw laughed sadly.

"I guess so." She smiled at the dark ginger tom. "I sneak out of camp a lot, though, and I've still never seen a badger. Or a fox."

"You sneak out?" he gasped. "Why?"

Applepaw checked again for any other cats. "I go to some meetings with Fire Lily. They happen around every two nights."

Umberkit's eyes were wide. "I thought Fire Lily was a bad cat. That's what Featherycloud says. Said."

"Of course not!" exclaimed the black she-cat. "Fire Lily is really nice. She even lets kits come to the meetings. You could come with me next time."

"Never!" Umberkit shook his head furiously. "You can't do that! What about your Clan?"

Applepaw sighed. "I'm not being disloyal to DustClan. It's like... It's like an extra Gathering, but instead of just the leaders announcing things, anybody can. And we get to talk with cats from the other Clans. You should definitely come. It'll be fun."

Umberkit was staring at her fiercely. "I said never! I couldn't do that, even if Featherycloud wanted me to." His eyes filled with tears. "I thought you were my friend."

"I am trying!" Applepaw yelled. "But I'm also friends with the cats at Fire Lily's meetings. I bet even Rabbitkit would have gone with me." She didn't realize what she was saying until the dark ginger tom-kit turned and ran away from her.

"Why?" she whispered, covering her head with her paws. "I should have known not to say that." I'm sorry! I'm a terrible cat for bringing up his brother. I should just drown myself in the river and never go back to DustClan.

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now