Chapter Twenty-Two

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A cold breeze blew through the WaveClan camp. Dolphinshine sat next to his sister, every once in a while peeking at the herbal dressing on her eyes. He had had to help Cloverpaw outside, as she couldn't see a thing.

Whiterose, grim-faced, had told him, Blossomwhisker, and Slatecloud that the tortoiseshell tabby would be blind for life. Dolphinshine thought that his parents had handled the news well, but afterwards, he had heard them talking on the beach, where the crashing waves drowned out most of the noise.

"I don't know what to do," Blossomwhisker had whispered. Dolphinshine had strained to catch her mew.

"She'll be fine." Slatecloud had rasped his tongue across his mate's cheek. "If there's anyone more tenacious than Cloverpaw, it's her brother. And he'll stay strong for her, even if she can't."

"Dolphinshine?" Cloverpaw's voice broke into his thoughts. "I want to go back inside."

"All right," the gray tom hummed quietly, standing. His sister shakily rose to her paws, leaning against his shoulder for support. They slowly walked over to the apprentices' den. It was mostly empty, except for Cinnamonpaw gently snoring in one of the nests.

Dolphinshine guided Cloverpaw into one of the piles of dried seaweed and grass. Before he left, she touched his foreleg and whispered, "Wait. I want to tell you something."

He glanced back at her. "What is it?"

"When Poolheart attacked me," the tortoiseshell tabby mewed, "he kept saying weird things. Apologizing. He said he was sorry for killing me, and he kept calling me Lilacbloom." She looked up at her brother, despite being unable to see him. "What do you think it means, Dolphinshine?"

"I-I don't know," Dolphinshine said, his heart hammering in his chest. Lilacbloom? "Go to sleep, Cloverpaw. We can ask Poolheart what he means when he wakes up."

The apprentice flinched. "I don't want to ask him."

"All right. You don't have to." Cloverpaw relaxed, and Dolphinshine padded out of the den, towards the group of elders chatting and enjoying the few meager rays of sunshine. They looked up as he approached.

"Hey, it's Dolphinpaw!" Fawnleg purred, nudging her denmates. "We haven't seen you in a while."

"It's Dolphinshine now," the sleek gray tom reminded her. "I had my ceremony a few days ago, remember?"

"Oh, yes," meowed Fawnleg, waving a paw dismissively. "I remember that, right, Starlingfang?"

"Sure," grunted a blue-gray tom. He fixed his gaze on Dolphinshine. "If you've come for stories, ask that Fire Flower cat, not us. I'm exhausted."

"Fire Flower left, and good riddance," said Lappingripple. She turned to Dolphinshine, waiting for him to speak.

He chose his words carefully. "Do you know who Lilacbloom is?"

Starlingfang heaved himself to his paws. "I'm leaving. Send one of those apprentices to clear away the old bedding later." He padded into the elders' den. Fawnleg followed him, a faraway look in her eyes.

"Well, there you go," Lappingripple snorted. She stretched and began grooming herself, seemingly ignoring the young warrior.

Dolphinshine glanced after Lappingripple's denmates. "Did I upset them?"

"Lilacbloom was their daughter," the dark gray tabby meowed, eyes still closed. "She disappeared some time after your father was born. You're her kin, you know."

"Really?" Dolphinshine hadn't known that he was related to Fawnleg or her mate.

The elder rasped out a laugh. "It's usually the kits who want to hear my stories, you know." She settled into a crouch. "Well, here goes."
"Lilacbloom was around twenty- something moons old when she disappeared. She was Poolheart's best friend, I believe, when they were apprentices." Lappingripple paused and thought for a moment. "He's sick now, isn't he? Too bad. For StarClan's sake, there are a lot of sick cats. Anyway. Lilacpaw and Poolpaw had a fight, just before their warrior assessment. Afterwards, they wouldn't speak to each other. They calmed down, though, eventually. Lilacbloom was mates with Havenstar, before he was leader. She was even expecting kits. And then she disappeared."

"Just like that?" Dolphinshine asked. The elder nodded.

"No one knows where she is now. Most believe she died. Nearly sparked a war at the Gathering." Lappingripple stood and padded towards the elders' den. "Now leave me alone. I want some peace and quiet."

"Thank you!" Dolphinshine called after her. He turned and saw Troutkit standing there with her mouth open. "What is it?"

The black-spotted kit fidgeted her paws nervously. "Uh, Whiterose wants to talk to you, and she says bring Cloverpaw." She quickly scampered off before he could ask what she was talking about.

He padded into the apprentices' den, gently shaking Cloverpaw awake. She stirred and tried to whack his paw away. The gray tom rolled his eyes, although he was relieved to see that she was regaining some of her usual spunk. "Come on, silly. Whiterose wants us in the medicine den."

"How come?" Cloverpaw asked, pushing herself to her feet. Her brother shrugged.

"You know as much as I do." He led her to where the medicine cats were waiting for them.

Whiterose had a strange expression on her face. "Dolphinshine," she said awkwardly. "Troutkit heard what Lappingripple said."

"And?" Dolphinshine glanced at the kit, wondering what was so important.

"Well." Whiterose took a deep breath. "We think it's possible that Poolheart killed Lilacbloom."

Cloverpaw shot to her feet in outrage. "No! He wouldn't do anything like that!"

"We don't know anything for sure," the medicine cat continued, "but we do know that we can't ask him."

Dolphinshine gave her a confused look. "Why not?"

"He's sicker than you think," Troutkit piped up. "He hasn't opened his eyes for two days now."

"Excuse me." A voice came from behind Dolphinshine. "Could I please speak with my former apprentice?"

"Well, all right," meowed Whiterose. "We're done here." She whisked her tail side to side.

Dolphinshine followed his former mentor out of the camp. "What is it, Jasminefur?" he asked.

She whirled on him. "What were you thinking?" she hissed. The sleek gray tom backed away a few pawsteps.

Jasminefur drew a long breath, pressing a paw to her forehead. "I know we haven't talked much since you became a warrior," she mewed, "but please, don't tell Whiterose any more than you have to."

"What are you talking about, Jasminefur?" Dolphinshine stood at his full height and tried not to back away from his mentor's fierce gaze.

"I knew Poolheart for a long time before I realized what he really was." The warrior's eyes flicked to the camp entrance, as though hoping noone would see them. "He might be a good cat on the outside, but he isn't. He killed Lilacbloom. And he did kill others.

"Please, don't tell anyone. He always was a good friend, to me, at least. And," the yellow and white warrior sighed, "please don't hate me."

"Why would I-" Dolphinshine tried to speak, but he was cut off.

"Go." There was a trace of tears in Jasminefur's eyes. "And don't tell anyone."

Flames At Night: Book 1: A Shattered PathWhere stories live. Discover now