Chapter 3

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"Why don't you go to Carl's farm instead? You'll definitely enjoy it Sash. I heard he's spending the whole summer there." Cassie's voice came through the phone cheerfully. She was thousands of miles away, enjoying her honeymoon with Jake. I was so happy for them.

"I can't, Cass. I'll be busy,"

"Seriously? Summer break is meant to be enjoyed, Sash. You can go back to that job after—Oh, is everything okay? You didn't have a misunderstanding again, did you?" she asked, her voice shifting from cheerful to concerned in an instant.

I bristled at her assumption, the frustration bubbling up inside me threatening to spill over. "No, Cassie, it's not just a misunderstanding," I snapped, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. "It's... it's not easy. I want to do something with them, but I can't intrude in their lives. We're back to being friends."

There was a tense silence on the other end of the line. "Friends can still spend time together, you know," she offered gently, her voice a soothing balm to my troubled heart. "If you ask them, they'll make time for you."

"They'll be very busy," I countered.

"They won't be busy if it's for you, with you, you know that."

I shook my head as if she could see me. "The thought of imposing on their lives seems inappropriate. I feel shy about it."

"But if they're your true friends, they'll understand," she persisted. "Sometimes, you just have to take courage and reach out to them. Don't hesitate. You are important to them, Sasha. Don't forget that." She sighed. "If you are back to being friends—just friends—then reconnect with them, no matter how daunting it seems."

"Okay," I whispered, making up my mind. She was right. "I do want to go back to Carl's place. The farm was beautiful."

"I'm glad you've decided. I'll visit there soon. Jake will be interested in horses." She giggled.

It was around noon when I finished cleaning my apartment. I knew that Carl would be leaving for his hometown at five. A pang of sadness tugged at my heart. I would love to go with him. I missed that place, too. Memories flooded my mind—the river, the horses, the field, the scent of the fresh mountain air, tinged with the fragrance of wildflowers. It was a stark contrast to the city. His place felt like a tranquil oasis where time seemed to slow down, and worries melted away.

A call startled me. It was Caleb. I frowned, picking up the call.

"Hi," his voice came through the phone.

"Did you eat?"

I looked at the ceiling, contemplating whether to answer him honestly.

"Don't lie," he warned, and I almost giggled.

"Not yet," I bit my lip when I heard his harsh breathing. He didn't like it.

"I heard you might be thinking about joining Carl at the farm."

My eyes widened. Cassie! Did she tell him? Cassie. Cassie!

"Yeah, I was considering it," I admitted, feeling a rush of nervousness.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before he spoke again. "That's good.

I furrowed my brow, puzzled by his response. "What do you mean, 'that's good'?" I pressed, curiosity getting the better of me.

He chuckled softly. "Carl will take care of you,"

"Take care of me? That sounds not right. I haven't actually decided yet. Should I be worried?" I joked, teasing him back.

TWO to Tango, ONE to Tempt (18+)✔ BOOK 3 (LOVE AND OBSESSION series)Where stories live. Discover now