Chapter 8

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"Boyfriend, huh?" Caleb said, taking a seat next to me. Our arms brush against each other.

"Yeah, that's what I said," I retorted, trying to focus on the movie we were currently watching. The woman was being chased by a man in a mask.

"Didn't know you were so possessive," he teased, leaning his back on the sofa behind us.

We were seated on the floor. The movie room was dark, and the TV's light was the only light illuminating the movie room. It was cool Carl's house had this entertainment in the basement.

"I'm not possessive," I insisted, crossing my arms defensively. "I just... don't like surprises."

He chuckled. But I could feel his eyes lingering on me. I felt Carl walk in, bringing a bowl of popcorn, and took the space beside me. I couldn't help but feel a shift in the atmosphere. Between them, I felt the room suddenly become more confined.


"No problem," Carl replied, flashing me a warm smile before turning his attention to the TV.

I tried to focus on the movie, but deep down, I was growing nervous. It felt like every movement, every breath was amplified between us.

"So, Carl's your boyfriend now. How about me?" Caleb asked with a light voice, making me chuckle nervously. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. "Am I your boyfriend too?"

"No. I just came out of my mouth when Antonette asked because I panicked." Yeah, I should lie about it. When I said the word earlier, I said it like Carl had always been my boyfriend.

Carl leaned in and whispered. "Well, I liked it."

His breath against my earlobe made my skin shiver with warmth. His warm breath tickled my earlobe. His closeness sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I couldn't help but lean in, my heart racing with anticipation. My body's reaction surprised me.

"Guys, we need to focus on the movie," I scolded them, leaned back, and pulled the blanket over my chest, holding it as if it could do away with my nerves.

"You're right," Caleb replied with a smirk. "It's getting more exciting."

I sighed. Calm down, Sasha.

All of a sudden, Caleb's hand brushed against my leg under the sheet. My pulse raced, but I tried to remain composed.

Carl chuckled beside me, his hand now resting casually on my shoulder. The atmosphere in the room suddenly felt charged with intimacy, and I found myself caught between the two of them, unsure of how to react.

"You feel cold?" Caleb asked, squeezing my leg, which gave me a start. I stifled a gasp.

"A little bit," I replied almost breathlessly. I could feel the warmth radiating from his hand. Since I was wearing shorts, the direct contact of our skin almost felt like burning.

"Here, let me warm you up," he said, quickly moving the sheet to the side and pulling me closer to him.

Carl had moved his hand from my shoulder to reach for the popcorn and ate. "I can adjust the temp."

My eyes widened when suddenly Caleb's hand cupped my pussy, making me look at him, but his eyes were focused on the move. "No, Carl. The temperature's okay." I let out a soft gasp as his fingers rubbed against the front of my shorts, causing a pleasant tingling sensation.

"You like the movie?" Carl asked, glancing at me.

I could only nod, my heart thumping in my chest. Under the sheet, Caleb continued his ministrations, his skilled fingers teasing and rubbing. I bit my lip to stifle my moans, but I couldn't help the small whimpers that escaped my lips.

TWO to Tango, ONE to Tempt (18+)✔ BOOK 3 (LOVE AND OBSESSION series)Where stories live. Discover now