Chapter 6

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We stepped into the house through the back door dripping wet. I glanced at Carl, and I still couldn't stop myself from giggling softly at his teasing eyes. They were tickling me from within, his lips curling into a playful smile. What happened at the river left me feeling embarrassed but, at the same time, giddy. Something changed between us. I couldn't explain it. I felt very comfortable with him. I liked the feeling of being with him.

"Stop it, Carl," I said as I wrung out my hair.

"Stop what?" his tongue coming out to run over his lower lip. Damned hot.

"Stop teasing me."

"I'm just admiring the view."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks despite my efforts to stay composed. I knew my breasts were visible through my shirt. Good thing I wore a bra. "Quit it already. We need to dry off before we catch a cold." My heart wouldn't stop fluttering.

"You two seemed to be having fun." A familiar voice said.

I gasped, turning to see him looking mighty fine. "Caleb!" And before I could stop myself, I was vaulting at him. He caught me in his arms, and I hugged him tightly around the neck. "You're here! When did you arrive?"

But as I pulled back from the hug, his lack of enthusiasm disappointed me. His smile seemed forced, and there was a tension in his posture, and I realized I was soaking him. "Oh, Goodness! I'm sorry. You're wet." I said, ripping myself off him.

"It's fine." His smile was tight. "Surprised?"

I frowned at his lukewarm response. "Well, yeah, of course I'm surprised. I thought you were out of town."

He shrugged, his gaze flickering away from mine. "Yeah, well, I've been busy," he muttered, looking at Carl. I noticed Carl's frown.

The sudden shift in the air felt suffocating.

"Can we talk, Carl?" he said. "After you changed."

I watched him leave, confused. That wasn't the reaction I was expecting from him. I imagined he'd be more thrilled. Turning to Carl, I could see the concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked softly, reaching out to touch my arm.

"Has something happened to Caleb?"

"He didn't say he was coming. I don't know. You should go now. Change before you catch a cold."

As I changed into dry clothes, my thought was filled with Caleb. His demeanor had been unusually cold. I thought he'd be happy. Maybe something was bothering him.

I sighed, running the hairbrush through my hair. Now that Caleb was here, we were complete. It meant we could all hang out together, and that sounded like a blast to me. It would be a great time to spend outdoors after Carl's work.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Wondering who it could be, I hurried to answer it. Opening the door, I found Caleb standing there, but something seemed off. His expression was tense, and the corner of his lip was busted. "What happened?" I rushed, worried.

He shrugged, walked inside the room, and sat on the bed.

"Come on, let me take a look at that," I insisted, gently reaching out to touch his face. As I examined the cut, I could tell it was more than just a scratch. "This looks pretty bad," I said, my worry growing. "We should clean it up and put some ointment on it. But—" I halted, took a step back, and looked at him, my frown deepening. "How did you get this?"

His jaw tightened, his eyes avoiding me. The coldness in his expression sent a pang of fear in my heart. "Carl,"

I gasped sharply. "Did you two fight?"

TWO to Tango, ONE to Tempt (18+)✔ BOOK 3 (LOVE AND OBSESSION series)Where stories live. Discover now