Chapter 5

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Uncle Alberto had finally returned home, and we were all overjoyed to have him back with us. Aunt Beth, as always, was attentive to his needs, ensuring he was comfortable and well-cared for.

Carl was having a serious conversation with three other workers on their farm. I watched him looking so drawn and interested. He appeared to be more mature. He had this serious look on his face as he spoke to them, and something about it made me stare at him quite longer.

No. Why was I staring too much?

I sighed softly, using my hat to fan my face as I stood under the shade of the tree, waiting for him. It was getting hot.

To keep my eyes away from him, I busily snapped photos, capturing the surroundings. My phone buzzed. It was a message from Cassie. Smiling to myself, I quickly typed out a response.

"Hey, Babe! You won't believe the stunning views we're enjoying right now. Wish you were here! 📸🌿"

Just as I hit send, I felt a presence beside me and looked up to find Carl peering over my shoulder.

"You seem busy." He said, looking at my phone.

I glanced up, a grin spreading across my face. "I was sending photos to Cassie. She wants to visit here someday with Jake." I said, holding up my phone to show him the photos I'd been snapping.

He leaned in to get a better look at the screen. I was suddenly aware of how close he was, his manly scent mixing with the heat of the sun invaded my senses. "Some things never changed," his fingers brushed against mine when he reached for my phone, and I felt a sudden electricity at the sudden touch.

My heart raced as I watched him scroll through the photos. No. Stop it! We're just friends! "I guess so. Three years didn't change this place much." I said, tearing my eyes away from his mesmerizing face.

"Let's visit the stable." He said.

I bobbed my head eagerly. "Sure, sounds like a plan," I replied, trying to quell the butterflies in my stomach.

He walked beside me. "Careful with your steps,"

I hummed. "Carl, how many families work on the farm?"

"About four families work here regularly. They've been with us for years, like extended family."

"What do they do?"

He adjusted his black cap. Why, he looked good in that. "Each family has their own specific tasks," he explained, gesturing towards the fields and barns around us. "Some focus on tending to the crops, planting, and harvesting throughout the seasons. Others are responsible for taking care of the livestock—feeding, grooming, and ensuring their well-being."

It was fascinating to learn about the different roles and responsibilities that each family had to do.

"And then there are the maintenance and repair tasks," he continued, sounding proud. "From fixing machinery to repairing fences and others. There's always something that needs attention around here."

"It sounds like a lot of work," I said, watching two middle-aged couples watering the crops.

"It is, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Dad loves the farm so much that he'd be willing to give up everything he has for this. He's poured his heart and soul into this place. He wouldn't have it any other way."

Carl respected his father. I could hear it from his tone. For me, it was more like a family's legacy and the land itself held a special place in their hearts. It was just rational that Carl succeeded in this place when the right time came.

TWO to Tango, ONE to Tempt (18+)✔ BOOK 3 (LOVE AND OBSESSION series)Where stories live. Discover now