I'm Not Jealous

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The next morning, I woke up to laughter and clinking of dishes. As I opened my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Trey—a shirtless Trey, engaged in a conversation with my new found cousin. A flicker of annoyance crossed my features. I wanted to hate her, but how could I? She seemed like a sweeter version of me. Trey's tall figure contrasted Lila's curvy frame as they seemed deeply engrossed into whatever they were talking about. I wanted to throw my pillow at them. Why did I even let her spend the night? I should've known she would be an early bird. Another thing they have in common. I turned over on the sofa and placed the pillow over my head. An unfamiliar heat flared within me. I prided myself on being composed and in control of my emotions, but it's something about Trevonte Hamilton and Lila blossoming friendship that ignited a flame within me. My vampiric sense heightened, amplifying at the sound of their laughter. Before I knew it, I growled before taking the pillow and throwing it in their direction. The pillow hit Trey with enough force to make him stumble.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He annoyingly strolled towards me.

I locked my eyes onto his, "Y'all are too loud and I'm trying to sleep."

"Well, Lila was telling me about Evergreen Court and I'm sure you'll want to know how this was connected to who ever is after you, right?" He arched a brow with a smirk. He knew I was jealous and now he's teasing me.

With a neutral tone, I replied, "No, I don't." He leaned closer to me, his masculine scent began to consume me as he whispered in my ear.

"Your eyes are still glowing, Maya." I pushed out a breath and with his close proximity, I needed air.

"Excuse me, I need to freshen up." I got up and scurried to the bathroom. Once I was inside, I locked the door. I felt a prickle of newfound power coursing through my veins. Was it the jealousy triggering this? Were my emotions the cause of this surge? It felt like I had no control. I tried to remember what my father taught me as a kid. Inhale deeply...count to ten, then release. I looked in the mirror and noticed the red hues in my eyes and the faint glow that surrounded me. It was intriguing yet, unnerving at the same time. Up to this point, I've always had control over my powers, but this newfound ability hinted at unexplained, unexpected, and unexplored depths within me.

I was determined to regain control of my emotions. I tossed water on my face and cleaned myself up. Taking another deep breath, I exited the bathroom. Immediately I saw Trey and Lila talking and this time I channeled those feelings and to my surprise and advantage, my senses sharpened. I could hear whispers of other vampires nearby, which put me on high alert. I no longer paid attention to Trey and Lila. I wanted to know what was being said by those other vampires.

"Warin, we have more humans to bring to Caedmon," one vamp stated.

"Yes, but humans aren't enough, in order to fulfill his plan, he also needs a pure blood vampire. The princess is the only survivor of her kind and he specifically asked for her," I'm guessing "Warin" responded.

I memorized the name and jumped up and quickly dashed towards Trey and Lila. "We have to go. They are coming." My voice was low and firm.

Trey frowned, "Who is coming?"

"Warin and whoever he's with. Apparently they are working with someone named Caedmon. They have other humans, Trey. I need to get you to safety."

"Where's all of this coming from?" He tilted his head, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't have time to explain." I turned my focus on "Lila, you're coming with us. They do not know about your existence, so as long as you are with us, you'll be safe." Cousin or not, I would've felt guilty if something were to happen to her.

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